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Cycling Tips, Techniques and Safety Tips for Beginners

For the traveller in you, long-distance cycle trips can be one of the most wonderful ways to experience the world. However, a successful cycle trip takes considerable preparation. The first-hand experience you gain while starting a journey without sufficient knowledge is valuable, but you can avoid that bit, as it costs time.

Read to find the tips for cycling along with other details so you can stay ahead from the beginning and relish the expedition.

What to Check in Your Cycle Before You Start?

Before starting a cycle trip, there are a couple of things that need checking to ensure a safe trip and fend off inconveniences that can emerge suddenly. It is recommended to periodically check and be vigilant of the issues so that you are always ready for adventure. Here are the important things to check in your cycle:

1. Brakes

For safety, brakes are the foremost thing to look into. Thus, one of the useful tips for cycling is to make sure that the front and rear brake works equally well. If there is no squealing or slipping when you rock the cycle forward and backwards and also when grasping the brakes, it signifies adequate brake performance.

Test the front and rear brakes separately, and if any one of them is not in its top shape, get it fixed by a mechanic.

2. Wheels

Checking the wheels is one of the crucial cycling safety tips that ensures a smooth journey. To check the condition of your bicycle wheels, hold on to the handlebar with one hand and hold on to the top of a wheel with another. Then rock the wheel side to side.

Next, lift one side of the bicycle and spin the freewheel. Make sure that the spinning is seamless. If there is any wobble or any grinding/crunchy noise, get it fixed by a mechanic. You should make sure that the quick-release levers are closed with proper tension and seek professional help if needed.

3. Tyre Pressure

Typically, cycle trips consist of a large amount of on-road cycling. Road tyres generally require 65 to 95 psi pressure. It changes for gravel tyres (25 – 40 psi) and mountain bike tyres (15 – 25 psi). Thus, checking the tyre pressure before a trip is a high priority.

To check the tyre pressure without the gauge, press down on one wheel at a time and feel the bulging against the ground. Based on experience, operate the pump and reach the desired pressure.

4. Chain

To check the condition of bicycle chains, a chain wear indicator tool is optimum. However, if you do not have one at the moment, you need to check for the following symptoms:

You need to closely inspect the chain for rust. Clean and lubricate it or replace it as necessary.

Secondly, you should spin the cranks backwards and observe the movement. If it is free and smooth, it is ready to go. However, if it is skipping, kinking or binding at high speeds, you need to clean and lubricate the chain.

5. Crank Arms

Crank arms are the arms that the pedals are attached to. To check the condition of these, you need to rotate a crank arm so that it points upwards. Grab the crank arm with a firm grip and push and pull. There should not be any movement.

Movement on both cranks suggests the set of ball bearings has worn out. If one crank shows unwanted movement, it can mean you need to tighten it up through the bolt in the centre.

6. Headset

The headset fits into a cycle's head tube, allowing the fork to turn. To check its integrity, stand in front of the bike, holding the front wheel in between your legs. Then you should move the handle from side to side. If it budges a bit, it needs fixing.

Second, you can jam on the front wheel brake and push the bike forward. It should lift the rear end of the cycle without any play at the headset. If there is play, you can try fixing it by adjusting the cap or the stem.

How to Prepare Physically Before Going on a Cycling Tour?

Physically preparing before a long cycling tour is crucial for success. So here are some tips for cycling relating to your training programme that makes you stay mentally and physically competent.

Go on Long Slow-Paced Rides

Spending time with your bicycle is necessary as it will teach you how most of your ride will feel. The training will prepare you to change the gear you are carrying, your cycling technique, your optimum pace, your breathing pattern, and your overall efficiency. Make sure to stay below or at 60% of your maximum heart rate (MHR) throughout your long rides.

Try Short Fast-Paced Rides Too

Speed work is necessary to bring certain adaptations to your body that otherwise are impossible. For example, through speed work, your body will learn to exert more force, increase the recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibres, improve cycling economy, myoglobin development, etc. Make sure to do 20% of your total cycling at a fast pace, i.e., close to 90% MHR.

Ensure Strength Training

To make those hours in the saddle feel like a breeze, you must have a strong core. Perform heavy deadlifts, goblet and ATG split squats, contralateral planks, rows, and push-ups for 3 to 5 reps. Adjust the repetition and set numbers to stay as fresh as you can after the training. Strength training is to make you strong at your core, it should not leave you tired afterwards.

Work on Flexibility/Mobility

The final piece of the puzzle is flexibility and/or mobility. Cycling for long periods can make your muscles tight and create imbalances that gradually lead to injury. So, performing a couple of stretches like prone cobra torso stretch, figure-4 hip stretch, supine hamstring leg pull, side lying quad and hip flexor stretch, butterfly groyne stretch, etc., are necessary.

What to Take While Going on a Cycling Tour?

The best tips for cycling must include things to carry on a ride at all times.

1. CO2 Canister/Hand Pump

CO2 canisters or hand pumps are a necessary tool to save you from a flat tyre. The first tool is a small CO2 cartridge with an inflator. When you attach it to the valve of a tyre, the pressurised CO2 will fill it very quickly. The second one is a manual hand pump that you will need to pump on and inflate the tyre.

2. Tyre Levers

Tyre levers would come in handy when you need to get a tyre off the wheel. It has a thin end that slides between the tyre and the rim and hooks around a spoke to lift the tyre off the rim. If a tyre is relatively loose fitting, one would be enough.

Otherwise, another one can provide the necessary assistance. Furthermore, while putting the tyres back, you can use the reverse side of the lever when it is too tough to do it by hand.

3. Inner Tube

One of the basic tips for cycling is to carry extra inner tubes. However, it is up to you how many extra you want to and could carry on a trip. The rule of thumb is you should carry one if you are close to a city where you can easily manage spares and carry two if you are far from one.

4. Emergency Patches

If you have patches, you do not need many inner tubes when there is a flat situation. You will also need sand papers to rough up the puncture area and glue to attach a patch on the inside of a tyre. Also, it is good to have several patches as you can help other riders when they are in a crunch.

5. Old Strip of Tyre

There will be times when inner tubes and patches would not suffice the damage. A tyre can take such damage that the inner tube starts to bulge out of it. If you do not have a spare tyre, six-inch pieces of old tyre can fit between the puncture and the tube to prevent bulging. You can cut several pieces and carry them with you to be prepared for anything.

6. Multi-Tool

One of the essential cycling tips for beginners is to carry a multi-tool. A multifunctional tool replaces several previously mentioned tools. For example, a multi-tool comes with tyre levers, cement, patches, sockets, Allen keys and screwdriver bits to name a few. This folds into a small footprint providing great convenience to a rider.

7. Headlight

There is considerable risk when one is riding on the road in low light conditions or at night. So, you must wear a headlight so that other vehicle drivers can spot you easily. Apart from this, a headlight would help you see the road and react to bumps and other obstacles a terrain can offer. So, before going on a trip, visit a store and choose a headlight that suits your needs.

8. Mobile

Every beginner cycling tips list should cover these obvious things like carrying your mobile that can make or break a trip. Carrying a fully charged cell phone will be necessary in every emergency situation at remote locations. Furthermore, it is necessary to stay connected to other people during the trip.

9. Backpack

A backpack is essential as it will contain the other necessary things a cycle trip may require. However, you have to be specific about the type of the backpack. It should not have long cords as those can tangle themselves with the spokes of the wheel. Additionally, a backpack with reflective panels can help other riders and vehicle drivers spot you in low-light conditions.

10. Water Bottle

Whether the trip is long or short, carrying a water bottle is a must. Along with a water bottle do not forget to buy a water bottle cage. It will keep the bottle close to you so that you never forget to replenish yourself and buy water for the upcoming kilometres.

11. Energy Snacks and Electrolyte Drinks

Apart from hydration, you will also need something to keep your energy levels up. So, having something to crunch while riding is imperative. Banana can be the number one choice as it contains carbohydrates and potassium that is crucial to refuel your muscles. Apart from that, energy bars and drinks also provide adequate support to carry on paddling.

12. Small First Aid Kit

As the saying goes, you must be prepared for the worst. Having a small first aid kit would not only come in handy when you face some injury, but it may also help someone else. A first aid kit should include a triangular bandage, crepe bandage, band-aids, saline solutions, gloves, face shield, gauze, etc. It also contains non-adherent dressings, adhesive tape, antibacterial gel, a thermal blanket, and more.

13. Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays is necessary as you are going to spend a lot of time under the sun. It is especially required when you are riding in extremely temperate regions. Apart from props like sunglasses and hats applying sunscreen is a smart move on a rider’s part.

14. Money

Money is essential for all the little transactions that help your trip run smoothly. It also comes into action when something unpredictable leaves you in a pinch. Thus as one of the best tips for cycling, we would advise you to carry some cash and a card for such emergencies.

For longer trips, one must include cooking utensils, a tent, a sleeping bag, etc.

How to Start Your Cycling Trip?

The reason why you want to travel to India on a bicycle may not be identical to other travellers, but most bike tourists follow a similar process when they start.

1. Conduct Extensive Research

Collecting information about seasons, routes, street conditions, and maintenance schedules can play a major role in the success of your bicycle tour. However, for some, the alternative of figuring everything out on the road may sound more interesting and necessary.

2. Get a Bicycle

Choosing a bicycle for long trips plays a decisive role. A rider must choose a bike based on his or her frame size. A touring bike looks similar to a standard road bike, but it allows a more upright position when riding. It also helps create a geometry that provides greater stability while carrying heavy weight.

3. Get Fit

Getting physically fit is one aspect of being ready for a long cycle trip. The other aspect is far greater, including mental preparation. It involves connecting with other cyclists, reducing social media intake, avoiding mainstream media, getting used to a limited set of clothes, cooking one-pot meals, communicating with strangers, camping outside, and so on.

4. Buy Equipment

The list of must-have equipment includes a touring bike, on-bike and off-bike clothing, toiletries, a pocket knife, etc. Also, carry a lightweight lock and cable, insect repellent, a stove, small pots and pans, a water filter, a diary, a camera, a towel, and a bungee cord. It would also be great to have nylon cords, first aid kits, bike repair tools, spare parts, sleeping bags, tents, ground cloth, sleeping pads, etc.

5. Plan a Route

There are two ways to go about this if you have a specific destination to reach within a set amount of time you need to plan a route. However, if you are out there cycling just for the pure joy of exploring the world, you may not care about planning. You would go where the roads take you.

6. Apply for Leave

To go on a trip takes time off your work. So, one of the great tips for cycling trips is to take a necessary break from work. Let your higher authorities know what you are planning and ask for a leave. You do not have to do this if you are unemployed, retired, or a student.

7. Set Out

The ability to start on a journey is a big limiting factor. For many travel enthusiasts, tour planning only stays at the planning level and does not reach execution. So, just setting out is the only way of accomplishing your dream.

What to Do When You Get Back From a Cycling Trip?

To continue doing what you love to do requires an effective recovery strategy. Thus, here are some functional tips for cycling that include recovery as a part of a cyclist’s schedule. Post-ride recovery is a thing that many riders miss out on completely, which hampers their future performance.

1. Refuel Your Energy With Clean Food

It is necessary to take some nutrient-dense foods immediately after getting off your bicycle. Your plate may have unprocessed vegetables, unflavoured nuts, dried beans, single-ingredient grains, whole grains, dairy products, seafood, single-ingredient meats, etc.

2. Rehydrate With Water

Generally, one should drink 500 ml of water per hour while riding. If the weather is especially hot, they should increase the quantity. However, if you cannot maintain it throughout the ride, make sure to hydrate properly after the end of a long ride.

3. Sleep

Sleep is the obligatory component in any kind of recovery and sane living. It is crucial to wind down from the overdrive your body is in after a long drive. You can listen to music or read a book before going to bed for the night.

4. Stretch

After a long bike ride, it may become very tempting to hit the bed and doze off. However, if avoided, that would lead to muscle tightness and unnecessary soreness. You will find it beneficial to loosen up your body by stretching and foam rolling immediately after a long ride.

5. Engage in Active Recovery

The last piece of cycling tip would be not to take rest days unless you have acquired some injury. You should continue moving (swimming, running, rucking, etc.) too as it will act as an active recovery. However, you should not go hard on those movements.

Hope that these tips for cycling provide you with enough ideas to take the first step on your journey. Depending on your tour goals, you will find portions of this article more or less relevant or helpful. However, for every would-be bicycle tourist, here is some significant information to take away.

FAQs About Best Cycling Tips for Beginners

Which season is best for going on a cycling trip in India?

The time of the year depends on your travel goals. For example, plan your trip around September if you want to experience gloriously green forests. If you want to experience the delight of Indian Diwali on your trip, you either have to plan it in October or November. The time will change to post-November if you are looking for cycling and swimming combinations at Goa, etc.

Is it safe to cycle through India?

It is good news for cyclists that India has such a vast network of rural roads that it seems uncountable. Most of these roads are paved, safe and quiet. However, if one wants to experience something truly hair-raising, one should try state and national highways.

Which Indian cities are best for cycle enthusiasts?

Some of the Indian cities that are best for cyclists are Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, and Mumbai. Some are famous for their magnificent roads, while others are for their weather and cycling community.

Is a helmet necessary if one is cycling?

It is a crucial aspect of the rider’s safety. One must wear a certified quality helmet at all times just to make a good habit that will ensure safety at dangerous junctures.

What are some of the fantastic cycling tours in India?

You can sign up for various cycling tours across India. However, the following tours are some of the best: Meghalaya, Udaipur, Manali, Goa, Delhi, Pondicherry, and Munnar.