What Are Charges in ULIP and Its Type?

What Are ULIP Charges?

What Are the Various Types of Charges in ULIP?

FAQs about Types of Charges in ULIP

What are some common charges in ULIP?

Some of the common charges in ULIP are mortality charges, pre-allocation charges, fund switching charges, rider charges, etc.

How can I calculate the value of my ULIP funds?


If you wish to calculate the value of your ULIP fund then you need to multiply the total number of fund units by the current NAV of the fund. So, the formula should look something like this:

Fund Value: Total number of units that the individual is holding under the policy x Net Asset Value 2

For instance, if the fund units a policyholder has is 50, and the NAV is ₹100, then the calculation will be:

Fund Value: 50x100= ₹5,000

What do you understand by mortality charge?

In order to provide you life coverage, a mortality charge is applied in a ULIP. You can calculate it using your current age, health status and other factors considered by the insurer.