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How to Engage and Teach Kids At Home?

The saying 'education begins at home' proves its worth when it comes to teaching children at home. Some parents opt to admit their children into school from a very young age of 3 years while others utilise this time to teach them at home. Whatever the approach, teaching children at home is a significant responsibility of every parent.
Moreover, the emergence of a pandemic has made schooling at home common in many households. Hence, knowing how to teach kids at home is beneficial.
What Are the Tips to Help Children Learn at Home?
Children tend to divert from studying more often. It falls under the responsibility of the guardian or parent to see whether they're abiding by the routine.
Following are 4 tips that reflect this:
Tip 1: Create a Learning Ambience
You can try to imbibe the nature of school at home by setting a certain duration as the study time. It can be their desk space or wherever they'll feel like studying. Some might take time to get accustomed to this space in the beginning, but habitually this will become a routine. Ensure that the fun part exists during the learning phase, and they follow this in a disciplined manner.Tip 2: Make a Study Table
Another way to build a disciplinary nature in them is to create a study table. If it is pre-primary or primary children, it is the guardian's responsibility to sit them as per time. In case it is elementary students, it falls on their responsibility, and guardians should ensure they follow the routine.
Tip 3: Try to Stay on Pace with School
Whether your child is attending online classes or going to school, make sure they stay updated with what's been taught at school. Moreover, parents often might not be as fluent as the teachers; hence, they must regularly do their exercises and homework.
Tip 4: Stay Patient
It is not unnatural for a child to create unnecessary banters or lose focus while studying. However, maintaining patience while dealing with all these is vital from the parent or guardian's side. They might develop behavioural changes or spontaneous reactions to every little thing.What Are the Benefits of Teaching Children at Home?
Often it is possible to not highlight children in terms of their natural talents but through report cards. However, as they learn at home, their likes and dislikes reflect more prominently in the comfort of their space. Know the following benefits of how to teach kids at home:
Develop Their Personality: A child's personality starts to develop from childhood. During this crucial period, they need proper guidance to broaden their perspective and establish their understanding ability.
Give a Customised Learning Experience: Every child is eccentric in their way. It becomes the responsibility of the parent or guardian to bring out that skill by incorporating it into their daily routine amidst studying. This will help in breaking the monotonous tone and make studying more engaging.
Help Them Discover Their Pace: Some children might have the ability to learn faster, while others can be slow learners. Whatever their approach, what matters is how they reach their goal. Before they go out and get accustomed to reality, they need to understand their pace. This will enable them to carry a clear idea of looking after themselves and be ready to face situational problems.
Teaching children at home is not as boring as it sounds. It can be fun and productive for the guardian and the child. However, teaching them at home might be different depending on age appropriate methods.
Why Home Is the Best Place to Start a Child’s Education?
Children spend most of their time at home regardless of whether they attend school. Hence most of the things they learn are at home.
Here are some of the points to know why home is the best place to begin a child's education:
Begin Small: Most children find it hard to begin traditional schooling. They slowly get accustomed to it, or it might even take longer. However, home is where they can freely and comfortably learn things from the beginning. Even before getting into schools, children need the guidance of parents or guardians to groom themselves for admission processes. Hence from this aspect, it is the beginning for every child.
Parents Are the Best Teachers: Many parents tend to overlook this fact because children spend most of their time at home, and it becomes the place for them to learn amidst routine things. In school, a teacher has to look over many children, but it is easier to give attention to a child in detail by a parent or guardian.
Make Learning More Fun: The age-old notion of boredom attached to studying has made it a subject of ignorance for many children. However, you can easily erase this concept by inculcating this habit of making learning look more fun than boring. This will also raise their curiosity level to engage more in learning.
Initiate Child-Led Learning: At home, there lies the flexibility of studying whenever they feel like it. Besides practical learning, a child also needs disciplinary lessons for which home is the place to begin. Parents and guardians can initiate this through different kinds of work in daily life. This will also boost their confidence level.
This will require an alternative approach that aligns with the child's study methods. Based on your understanding of how to teach kids at home you can frame everything in a way it helps in boosting your child's productivity.
FAQs about How to Teach Kids at Home
What can I teach my child other than studying?
How do I convince my lazy 3-year-old to study?
The first thing to note here is to stay as patient as possible. It is natural for children to be lazy or disobedient. However, you need to make learning a fun process.
You can make it engaging by incorporating various other ways to raise their curiosity and interest. It could be by drawing pictures, playing, or taking small breaks.
Shall I scold my daughter if she gets regularly distracted from studying?
Is rewarding my child after every task they complete a bad thing?
No, if it is not a regular thing. If you make it regular, their attention will stay on getting the reward rather than studying. This might inculcate a bad habit. Hence consider aligning their focus to their study more than on the reward.
However, you can do so in a different manner. For example, if they completed a hard task and you rewarded them, that will be a symbol of praising them for doing the work well. Let them only expect a reward after some tasks.
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