7 Types of Credit Card Fraud in India

What Are Credit Card Frauds?

What Are Different Types of Credit Card Fraud?

How to Detect Credit Card Fraud and When Do You Need an Expert Help?

What Should You Do If You Are a Victim of Credit Card Fraud?

How To Report Credit Card Fraud?

What Are the Ways to Avoid Credit Card Fraud?

What Are the Differences Between Credit Card Fraud and Identity Theft?

Identity thieves can steal your personal information to open new lines of credit (personal, business, invoice financing, etc.), create new credit cards, or obtain false IDs in your name. Unlike credit card fraud, there's no liability limit for identity theft. This means you could end up bearing the full financial burden of the damage caused by an identity thief.

Here is a more detailed look into the key differences between credit card fraud and identity theft:

Aspect Credit Card Fraud Identity Theft
Nature of Crime Unauthorised use of a credit card or card number Theft of personal information to impersonate someone else
Impact Primarily affects financial accounts It can affect multiple aspects of the victim's life
Liability Limited liability No federal liability limit
Detection Often detected quickly by card issuers or cardholder May go undetected for longer periods
Prevention Monitoring systems and notifications for unusual activity Vigilance in protecting personal information

As you have completed this piece here, you are now familiar with the types of credit card fraud, the process of detecting them and other related information. If you stay careful and observant, you can easily dodge fraudulent situations like these.

FAQs about Credit Card Frauds