Coronavirus Symptoms Checker by Digit Insurance
Amid the global health crisis of the covid-19, we're not only fighting through a pandemic but also, what we could call an infodemic. From daily WhatsApp forwards and social media shared articles to the 24x7 news updates; you’re gone through them all and a sense of anxiety creeps in. That one cough, that one little itch in your throat, and that sudden sneeze can lead to more worries than usual now. However, know that it is completely okay to feel that way. It’s only natural to feel stressed out and anxious with everything that is going on and that’s okay.
One of the things that has stemmed out of this is the constant worrying of our loved ones. From telling our senior parents to be extra cautious to ensuring we are washing our hands at regular intervals and obviously, not touching our faces! (forget that your nose begins to itch just then!) and while it’s important to be cautious, it’s also important to not let this anxiety turn into panic. After all, that could only lead to affecting your mental health negatively and more than ever, it’s not only our physical health but complete health and well-being that is important.
That’s why, we’ve come up with something that could possibly help ease out worries that could stem out from eerily similar symptoms of the flu and the coronavirus. Worried whether that sore throat has anything to with the coronavirus? Worried of your kid’s cough? This symptom checker will help you assess you or your loved one's current symptoms and give you clarity on whether you need to get tested right now, and/or take other safety measures.
Disclaimer: We’ve created this coronavirus symptom checker, using the parameters officially laid down by the WHO, and Ministry of Health only. No unverified information otherwise has been used in the design and development of this symptom checker.
How does Digit’s symptom checker work?
- Since the covid-19 symptoms are so similar to that of the flu, it’s easy to get confused about your symptoms, or the lack of them.
- This symptom checker asks you key questions about your current health and travel history, if any.
- Putting together your responses and the guidelines set by the WHO and the Ministry of Health, the symptom checker tells you whether you fall into the low, medium or high risk category; and whether or not you should get tested right now, along with personalized tips, based on your risk level and current health symptoms.
Why is this symptom checker important?
- Given the rapid rise of covid-19 positive cases in India, we’re all likely to be worried about whether we or a family member has contracted the virus or not. This symptom checker will help give you more clarity on your symptoms, if any.
- It approximately takes 2-14 days for symptoms of the coronavirus to show. So, even if you say you haven’t been outside your house for this entire week, it is possible to have contracted the virus prior to that and only show symptoms now. This symptom checker will help you understand where you stand on the risk scale and, give you the right recommendations, based on the same.
- Given all the information surrounding the covid-19. It's possible to be confused about the symptoms and get worried about even a minor cold. This symptom checker is important in understanding your set of symptoms better, and to understand at what level of risk you are in, when it comes to being affected by the coronavirus.
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