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What Are the Differences Between Salaries and Wages?

Budget and forecast are significant financial reports businesses use to plan their future investments and expenses. They are made based on past records, reports and analyses. Even though companies use both tools for efficient financial planning, their purpose differs from one another. Read on to know about the key differences between budget and forecast and their types.

What Is a Salary?

Salary is a type of compensation where both the employer and the employee come to an agreement before confirmation of the employee's employment. Salary is just one part of what a company spends on each employee, which is typically counted on a yearly basis and is also known as CTC (Cost to Company). Salaried individuals are usually “white collar workers”.

What Are Wages?

Wage is earned on an hourly or daily basis and varies day to day depending on the hours or amount of work done. There are no perks or benefits associated with wages. In order to earn extra, you have to work extra. Wages are generally associated with "blue-collar workers". In India, unskilled workers typically earn wages on a daily basis. The minimum wages for different states depend on the particular sector, job, development zone, skills etc.

What is the Difference Between Wages and Salary?

Even though both salaries and wages are compensations earned for the work one does, they notably differentiate from each other.

The following table explains the difference between salaries and wages in more detail:

Attributes Salary Wages
Skill set Highly skilled Typically semi-skilled or unskilled
Cost structure Fixed Variable
Payment interval Predetermined amount at fixed monthly interval Daily or hourly, no fixed amount
Performance Reviewed At fixed intervals No performance review at regular intervals (workers with wages are usually labours)
Leaves Available Fixed number of paid leaves No structure followed for leaves available
Payment basis Performance Amount or hours of work done
Payment received by Employees or "white collar workers." Labourers or "blue-collar workers."

Advantages of a Salaried Job

The following are some of the benefits of opting for a salaried job:

  • Paid sick leaves and days offs (to a certain limit set by the organisation)
  • A persistent and regular paycheck
  • Chances for betterment, increment and promotion
  • Better career opportunities and overall growth

Disadvantages of Having a Salaried Job

Although there are quite a few advantages to a salaried job, there are some drawbacks too. Some of them are:

  • Chances of overworking without additional or extra pay
  • Lower chances of getting another job or freelancing for extra few bucks
  • Less freedom in choosing holidays or overtime
  • Time-bound rules such as contract, notice period, etc.

Advantages of Having Wages

At first glance, wages may seem to be a less beneficial option compared to salaries. However, it comes with certain advantages as well. Some of these are:

  • Earnings directly related to hours worked
  • Chances of earning higher if one works on holidays
  • Time to pursue other interests or take up another job
  • Working under no contract

Disadvantages of Having Wages

Now that you have learned about the benefits of hourly wages let us go through its disadvantages. Some of these are:

  • No or fewer perks and benefits
  • No stable or guaranteed income
  • Loss of pay when sick or absent 

As you can see, salary and wages are two entirely different types of compensation. If you have any confusion regarding the difference between salaries and wages, hopefully, this article will be able to clear it up.

FAQs About Salaries and Wages

What is the gross salary?

Gross salary is the amount an employee is entitled to before any kind of deduction is made. Deductions mean taxes, TDS, bonuses, holiday pay, retirement benefits, etc.

What is the net salary?

Net salary is the amount an employee receives in hand after all the deductions of taxes and other benefits are made. It is also known as "take-home salary".

How is the minimum wage rate decided in India?

The minimum wage rate is determined following the Minimum Wages Act of 1948. Therefore, both the Central and Provincial Government has the authority to decide the same.