Customized Insurance


Let our Biz Coach help you find the right insurance covers to best protect you and your business.


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Find the right coverage for your business

Pick the insurance your business needs from 15 customized covers, suited for all kinds of businesses in India


Standard Fire & Special Perils Policy

Fire destroys businesses in no time so it's necessary to protect your business from any kind of fire related events. The SFSP policy does exactly this!​


Public Liability (Act) Policy

If you unknowingly affect or injure someone who is not an employee, by your business actions, this policy can come in handy!​


Money Insurance Policy

Money, money, money... hard to earn but so easy to lose. This policy helps protect your hard-earned money from any kind of losses.


Plate Glass Insurance Policy

Glass structures are pretty to look at but can break easily too. This policy helps protect your beautiful glass structures and any damage that comes their way.


Machinery Breakdown Policy

How is your business going to survive without the lifeblood i.e., machinery? This policy protects your machinery so you can continue work undisturbed.


Group Medical Cover

With this policy, you will be investing in the health and well-being of your biggest assets a.k.a your employees.


Burglary Insurance Policy

You've built your business from scratch and everything you've put into it is valuable. This policy covers for any losses or damages to your business due a burglary, robbery, housebreaking or holdup.


Fidelity Guarantee Insurance Policy

Unfortunately, not all employees are honest. Some may commit a fraud for their personal profit. This policy helps protect your business from any losses that could arise due to any frauds.


Worker's Compensation Policy (mandatory by law)

As an employer, meeting safety standards for your employees' safety is your responsibility. If your employee is injured/affected on the job, they need to be compensated accordingly. This policy helps with just that. And FYI, this policy is mandatory by law!


Signboard Insurance Policy

Great to both look at, share information. However, signboards come at a huge cost and are prone to damages too. With this policy, you can cover your business from any losses that arises due to damage to signboards.


Management Liability Policy

While management is central to decision making, a bad decision might affect your business negatively. This policy keeps your business safe from losses/damages due to management actions


Professional Indemnity Insurance Policy

You or your employee might make a mistake which could call for serious actions against you. The professional indemnity policy covers you or your business from all costs incurred due to any professional errors.


Electronic Equipment Insurance Policy

Electronic equipment such as computer, laptops, medical equipment etc. Is the lifeblood of a smooth functioning businesses today. This policy protects you from losses due to damaged electronic equipment so your business runs without hiccups.


Consequential Loss Policy

This policy covers consequential loss i.e., loss of gross profit, due to any incident caused by fire under the SFSP Policy. Protect your profits against all odds with this policy!


Product Liability Policy

There could be times when a third-party member suffers an injury or property damage due to use or consumption of your product for which you could be held responsible. Protect yourself from such incidents with this policy!

Businesses We Protect

Keeping India’s businesses both big and small, protected. Here are some of our happy (and covered) clients


Built for Everyone

digit-sme Architects
digit-sme Chefs
digit-sme Consultants
digit-sme Caterers
digit-sme Engineers
digit-sme Commercial Space Owners
digit-sme Contractors
digit-sme Daycare Providers
digit-sme Designers
digit-sme Detectives
digit-sme Doctors
digit-sme Event Planners
digit-sme Factory Owners
digit-sme Trainers
digit-sme Hoteliers
digit-sme Importers & Exporters
digit-sme Lawyers
digit-sme Manufacturers
digit-sme Multiplex Owners
digit-sme Real-estate Agents
digit-sme Restaurant Owners
digit-sme School Owners
digit-sme Shopkeepers
digit-sme Startup Founders
digit-sme Warehouse Owners

Some feathers on our cap!


Digital Insurer of the Year​ Asia Insurance Industry ​ Awards 2021​


A part of the ​ Fintech Top 250​ CB Insights​ 2018, 2020 & 2021​


'Excellence in InsureTech'​ IFTA 2021​ by India FinTech Forum​


General Insurance Company of the Year​ Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2019 & 2020​

Discover the right insurance cover for your business today