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What Is The Difference Between POSP and An Insurance Agent?

How are POSP and Insurance Agents different?



Insurance Agent


PoSP stands for Point of Salesperson. They sell a range of insurance products directly to customers.

An Insurance Agent works with an insurance company to sell specific insurance products. For example, if you require a health policy, you can contact a health insurance agent from the company to sell you that product.


Anyone can become a PoSP. Minimum 10th pass candidates can qualify as a PoSP agent. College students, Retirees, Businessmen/women, or even stay-at-home spouses and homemakers can become a PoSP agent!

An Insurance Agent should be a 12th-pass candidate and have enough information about the specific insurance product they want to sell. They must pass the IRDAI examination and have a license to start selling insurance for a particular company.


A 15-hour training program to clear an exam by the insurer and claim the e-certificate is necessary.

40 to 50 hours of training provided by the IRDAI is necessary to clear the test and become an Insurance Agent.

Validity of certification

Certification is valid for 5 years for a PoSP agent.

Certification for an insurance agent is valid for up to 3 years.

Type of products sold

A PoSP agent can sell simple, over-the-counter insurance life and non-life plans. These products are clear and have fixed benefits, and they do not sell complicated or high-risk products to customers. Eg: PoSP agents can sell car or motor insurance, travel insurance etc.

An Insurance Agent sells tailor-made high-value products for their customers. They advise clients and help them customise policies that fit their needs. They sell complicated and high-risk policies as well. Eg: Products like marine insurance can be sold through an insurance agent.

Extent of market reach

A PoSP agent sells policies to first-time consumers and concentrates on grassroots levels.

An Insurance Agent can sell simple and complex customised insurance in large cities and towns.

A Point of salesperson sells transparent products, their main goal is to acquire new clients, while an insurance agent cross-sells to their existing client base. Although the two can seem similar, becoming a PoSP is easier and can be considered an additional source of income.

You can become your own boss and earn as much with just a smartphone!

How can I become a POSP with Digit?

Become a POSP agent with Digit with these 4 simple steps!

Step 1

Sign up by filling our POSP form given above, and our team will get back to you with more details. 😊

Step 2

Complete your 15-hour training with us.

Step 3

Complete the prescribed examination.

Step 4

Sign the agreement with us and that’s it! You’ll be a certified POSP.

Frequently Asked Questions