Privacy Policy

S. No. Information collected Purpose
1 Approximate Location & Precise Location Identification of the user's location for providing location of the nearest cashless establishments (garages/ hospitals etc.) and locations for servicing of policy. Location is also used for verification purposes.
2 Email Address Sending Communications related to product purchases and other important information.
3 Phone Number Creating unique user IDs to avoid duplication.
Sending information regarding the product purchases & other important supplementary information.
4 Permanent Account Number Calculating the credit score to profile customers and visitors.
5 Files and docs Accessing and downloading the Policy documents along with storing the same in user's device
6 App interactions Track the user activity and using such data on analytics tools and platforms.
7 Installed Apps Check the available UPI payment apps in the user's device as to suggest the different payment options to the user.
8 Audio, Photos & Videos Verification process.
9 Device ID Monitoring and filtering the creation of duplicate users Monitoring and prevention of any fraudulent or potentially fraudulent activities.
10 Health Info Pricing and other relevant info associated with offered products and services.
11 Other Information Any other information which you choose to provide us during your journey with us.

*The stated information along with their purpose of collection are only limited to the extent such information is utilized by us in providing you the listed features, products and services and does not extent to the information required to be maintained and processed in order to comply with the KYC Norms, policy servicing, and other legal compliances. 

You may inform us at any time to delete/ modify Your Personal Information by sending us an e-mail at, with subject line as Delete Personal Information <> Your name.