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How to Take Care of a Pregnant Cat at Home?

Taking care of your pregnant cat requires a lot of effort on your side. One of the most necessary things the pregnant cat requires during her crucial time is good nutrition. In addition, you will also need the expertise and guidance of your veterinarian to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Here are some helpful tips explaining how to take care of a pregnant cat at home and tips to take care after her pregnancy. Follow this to ensure a safe birth.

7 Tips on How to Care for a Cat During Pregnancy

If you are not aware of what to do if your cat is pregnant for the first time, the foremost thing you must do is take her to the veterinarian. This is because it is difficult to confirm whether your cat is pregnant until they are 3 to 4 weeks pregnant. However, even after confirmation that your cat is pregnant, you need to follow the below tips to avoid any threatening circumstances:

Tip 1: Feed Your Cat Properly

It is important to note that your cat requires additional calories as it progresses towards her pregnancy. If unclear on what to feed my pregnant cat, speak about her nutritional needs with your veterinarian and the items that are safe for her during this period.

However, ensure not to overfeed your cat during the early pregnancy weeks. Kitten food can be a good choice as it contains the required calories and nutrients that the pet needs.

Tip 2: Prepare a Safe Environment for Her

It is essential to find a safe space, a comfortable environment for your cat during these days. You can prepare a laundry basket or a cardboard box and fill it with blankets to make a safe and peaceful space at your home.

Although your pet might not use this space, if they find a comfortable space, it will benefit them during queening. Additionally, keep an eye on her so that she doesn't move outdoors.

Tip 3: Keep Her Active

During the pregnancy of your cat, ensure to keep her active to ensure that she is fit to give birth to her kittens. However, avoid unnecessary strenuous activity to prevent her health from deteriorating. Try to keep her calm and stress-free as the due date approaches. The more she is into check-ups and healthy eating, the more it is beneficial for her well-being.

Tip 4: Set Aside Bowls of Water

During your cat's pregnancy, she needs to drink lots of water to keep herself hydrated. In that case, keep a few bowls of water around your home in certain areas that she can access easily or generally access. This will help her drink water whenever required, and she will not have to look for it too.

Tip 5: Ensure Regular Check-ups

The expertise of a veterinarian is an invaluable resource as you take your cat for regular check-ups. After your doctor confirms the pregnancy of the pet, book regular appointments with your veterinarian, as they will assess your pet’s overall health and give you a probable due date. Regular check-ups help in addressing sudden unrelated conditions such as flea or ear mice attacks.

Tip 6: Monitor Your Cat’s Behaviour

Your pet will be absolutely normal during the first few weeks of pregnancy. However, as her pregnancy progresses, you will notice her sleeping more, leading to a few missed meals. Help your pregnant cat by waking her up during her feeding time or helping her have her food.

If you notice any unusual signs in your cat, or if she is losing appetite or interest in food, immediately consult a veterinarian.

Tip 7: Put Attention into Your Cat’s Litter Box

Suppose your cat's litter box has high side areas or a very narrow entrance making her difficult to move. Replace it and choose a wide pan and low box so that she can easily accommodate as her days of pregnancy progress when she will have an expanded belly. Do not forget to clean and sanitise the litter box twice a day to avoid infection of your pregnant cat.

So, now you have an idea of how to take care of a pregnant cat at home. However, how will you know whether your cat is pregnant or not? Follow the below section to get an idea.

How to Know Your Cat Is Pregnant?

If you are unsure whether your unspayed cat is pregnant or not, there are several signs you must note to understand if your cat is pregnant or not:

Physical Changes Visible in a Pregnant Cat

Here are some of the physical changes you will notice in your cat if you suspect her to being pregnant:

  • Try to find out if your cat is suffering from extreme morning sickness and uneasiness.
  • You will notice a remarkable weight gain within a few weeks which is a primary sign that she might be pregnant.
  • Look if there is an increased appetite, as she tends to eat more than required.
  • Notice if your cat’s stomach becomes noticeably bigger after five weeks and continues to swell.
  • Your pet’s nipples might appear reddish and darker in colour or swollen than usual.

Behavioural Changes Visible in a Pregnant Cat

Here are some of the behavioural changes you will notice in your cat if you suspect her of  being pregnant:

  • You might find your loving and friendly cat going into hiding.
  • Your cat might either become too affectionate or more reclusive.
  • Your cat might become too tired or sleepy at times.

If you notice the above signs and symptoms in your pet, chances are that she is pregnant. However, you can confirm this by taking her to a veteran who will help you with your 'how to help a pregnant cat give birth' concerns. Now, let us discuss the tips you must follow to take care of your pregnant pet.

What Should Pregnant Cats Eat?

It is of utmost importance to feed your pregnant cat nutritious food and this she can get from high-quality kitten food. Kitten food is rich in proteins and calories and is available in wet and dry forms. However, dry food is usually denser than wet food. If your vet prescribes kitten food, try combining both dry and wet and feed your cat to keep her hydrated. Ensure she gets the right proportion of nutrition she needs.

Besides, depending on her health conditions, your cat might require additional food or a special diet. In such cases, it is always preferable to consult with your vet and then make any changes to her food.

What Preparations to Make to Help Your Cat to Give Birth?

As the days of pregnancy progress, you must start preparing so that you can assist the mother to give birth to beautiful kittens. For this, make a cosy box for your cat so that she can give birth and take care of her newborns. Further steps you have to take are as follows:

Step 1: While making this box, ensure it is large enough, tall and comfortable for her kittens to snuggle in.

Step 2: Keep this cosy box in a warm place and line it up with towels and blankets to make it fluffy.

Step 3: Try finding a familiar location to place the box and ensure the place is calm and free from dirt and dust. Show your cat where the box is placed.

Step 4: Try sanitising the box to get rid of unwanted dirt and ensure your cat does not get infected.

Now let us discuss how to help the cat during her labour.


How to Help the Cat During the Birth?

Although most cats do not require any intervention while they are giving birth, a little assistance will help them throughout the journey. Here is what to do when she goes into labour:

Step 1: Try not to intervene when your cat goes into labour and allow her to stay as she want to.

Step 2: Monitor the process of birth to prevent chances of issues and distress or infections.

Step 3: In case your cat doesn't choose the box you made for her, do not panic. Move the newborns to the box after their birth.

Step 4: While you are moving the kittens from one place to another, be very careful and do not forget to sanitise your hands.

Step 5: Keep track of the time of birth and number of kittens. If you find your pet having contractions for more than 60 minutes without giving birth, consult your vet.

Step 6: Consult your vet if you notice more than 2 hours pass without your cat giving birth to the next kitten or if there is an emergency where the kitten remains in the birth canal.

Step 7: Avoid separating the mother from her kittens for the initial days. Continue providing adequate food and nutrition to your pet. This will help increase her lactation and allow her to feed her kittens.

How to Take Care of Your Cat After Pregnancy?

The most important activity is to take care of your cat post-delivery. After giving birth, your cat will be tired and sleepy which is required for her body. Here is what you must do after your cat has given birth to kittens:

Step 1: Ensure your cat has a comfortable and peaceful place where she can sleep and take rest post-delivery.

Step 2: The newborn kittens tend to lose body heat frequently. If the mother cat is attentive, you will not have to worry, but if she is too tired, try providing ample blankets and warm clothes to the newborns.

Step 3: Both the mother and her kittens are very tender after birth, ensure the environment is calm and safe and avoid loud music to help them rest.

Step 4: In case your cat is disturbed and is avoiding her kittens, allow her to rest or move to some other comfortable place where she can rest.

Step 5: Contact your vet if your cat is vomiting or is distressful or if the kittens are facing concerns just after birth.

Step 6: Keep the mother cat’s food, water bowl and litter box nearby and ensure you are feeding them with high-quality cat food.

Step 7: If there are severe postpartum health issues in the mother cat, such as mastitis, hypocalcaemia, or uterine metritis, consult your vet.

So, now that you have an idea of the care you must take for your pregnant cat let us find out what pregnant cats should eat.

This is all the information you should know on how to take care of a pregnant cat at home. Try listing the things you require and start planning ahead if you notice your cat having signs of pregnancy. You can also watch several informative videos, reads books and consult your friend who has a pet cat for additional details.

FAQs on How to Take Care of Pregnant Cat at Home

What happens if my cat loses interest in food during her pregnancy days?

If you notice your cat losing interest in food or looking tired, extremely distressed or agitated, it is a sign that she is not well and there is some issue with her pregnancy. It is very much necessary for you to keep a note of your cat’s health needs and ensure she doesn’t have a sensitive stomach. Always consult your vet in case you are making changes to her food.

What happens if my cat becomes overweight during her pregnancy?

If your cat becomes overweight, it can cause severe issues for her and also her kittens. However, avoid making changes to her food and nutrition without consulting with the vet. It can lead to complications during her pregnancy. Ensure she is taking her meals at the right time and in the right proportion, and also ensure she is not missing her meals.

How can my cat fight against mastitis?

Mastitis is a severe bacterial infection of milk ducts. It happens when the production of milk in the mother cat gets blocked by mammary glands that have inflamed. Their nipples get swollen and painful, and they will refuse to nurse their kittens. Take her to a vet who will give her antibiotics to recover from the infection. Hand-feed her kittens until the mother cat's recovery.