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Precautionary Steps to Follow for Cyclone

Strong winds, torrential downpours and storm surges are three elements of a cyclone that wreaks havoc in case you do not take sufficient precautionary steps. Natural disasters like cyclones are not easy to control. However, one can stay prepared to combat the situation.

Considering this, we present this piece on cyclone precautions, focusing on the do's and don'ts before, during and after a cyclone.

In the event of a natural disaster like a severe cyclonic storm, individuals are often unsure about the safety measures to be taken. To that cause, you will find the cyclone do's and don'ts in the following sections.

Precautions Before a Cyclone: Do's and Don'ts

Here are some precautions of cyclone one should follow to stay prepared for the disaster -

  • Ensure good structural condition of your house so that it can withstand strong winds.
  • Seal off all door and windows securely. 
  • Trim down trees to make sure they do not fall over telephone or electricity lines during the storm.
  • Keep your mobile phone fully charged and other appliances like torches handy as there may be power cuts during a cyclone.
  • Store essential items like groceries and medicines in advance. It is vital to keep dry foods that are not perishable during emergencies.
  • Prepare an emergency first-aid kit.
  • Store water because the water supply may be disrupted during and after cyclones.

Apart from the above cyclone precautions, one should avoid some factors at any cost while preparing for a storm. They are as follows:

  • Do not leave any loose sharp objects lying around your property, as they can injure people during gusty winds.
  • It is vital to steer clear of demolished buildings during cyclones.
  • Do not keep dying and low-hanging branches of trees near your premises.

Precautions to Be Taken During a Cyclone

Given below is a list of safety measures to be taken during a cyclone -

  • Be aware of the official cyclone warning.
  • Follow the official website of Indian Meteorological Department to remain informed about the latest updates.
  • Install storm shutters or board up glass windows.
  • Keep all the doors and windows closed.
  • Take proper care of adults or children who need attention.
  • Switch off the electrical mains in your house.
  • Park your vehicles beneath a solid shelter with a hand brake or in gear to guard them.

Other than this, if the eye of the cyclone passes over your house, you should strictly avoid doing some activities as follows -

  • If you are asked to evacuate, do not hesitate. Move to a house built on high grounds.
  • Do not move outside the house immediately after the eye passes, as there will be wind gusts from the opposite direction.
  • Avoid rumours of any sort, and do not panic.
  • Do not drive immediately after a storm because the roads are left slippery due to heavy downpours.
  • Stay away from concrete walls and floors because thunder lightning can pass through the metal bars in them.

Therefore, by following these do's and don'ts during the cyclone, one can ensure utmost safety.

Apart from the safety measures to be taken during a cyclone, one must consider following some rules even after the cyclone passes.

Post Cyclone Measures

After a cyclone, the incidence of diseases increases due to stagnant water and floods. Considering that, here are some cyclone precautions you must follow -

  1. Eat fresh dry food and keep it away from pests and flies. 

  2. Boil water before drinking or cooking. 

  3. Keep your surroundings clean by using disinfectants. 

  4. Cover drains holes to prevent backflow of sewage. 

  5. Clear debris from your premises. 

  6. Stay in the shelter until you receive proper information regarding safety in moving outside. 

  7. Drive your car carefully after the cyclone passes.

Besides, there are some strict don'ts associated with safety measures after a cyclonic storm. They are as follows -

  • Do not go near loose electric wires.
  • Avoid going to areas covered with floodwater.
  • Stay away from sewage lines, gutters and drains.
  • Do not use tap water for drinking or cooking as the sewage lines may be contaminated.

Moreover, one must factor in the financial losses incurred during the cyclone. To guard against such losses, individuals should obtain insurance policies that offer maximum coverage.

Types of Insurance Policies Covering Disasters Like Cyclones


Check out the table in the following section to know about different types of  insurance policies that cover financial losses incurred due to natural disasters like cyclones.

Insurance Policies Features of the Policies
Office Insurance Covers explosion and aircraft damage, storms, floods, accidental fires, earthquakes, burglaries. Hassle-free claim process via the application.
Home Insurance Insures the home and valuables against theft, fire and burglary. It compensates for losses due to natural and man-made incidents.
Personal Accident Offers coverage for accidental death, permanent total or partial disablement, temporary total disablement, and employment loss compensation. Personal accident cover is available in case of accidents arising due to man-made and natural causes.
Health Insurance Health insurance is one of the best cyclone precautions one can have as it covers diseases that might occur due to the natural calamity. It is ideal for elderly people to obtain health insurance and get health coverage benefits.

Therefore, if you are wondering how to prevent cyclones, getting insurance to cover the losses that may incur is a start.

Nevertheless, without pondering over what to do during a cyclone, one should follow the precautionary measures mentioned in this article.

By considering cyclone precautions, individuals can ensure minimal damage and loss.

FAQs About Precautionary Steps to Follow During Cyclones

What does a cyclone emergency kit include?

The cyclone emergency kit includes the following items -

  • Battery operated torch with additional batteries.
  • Radio.
  • Medicines and first aid kit.
  • Essential documents like ration paper, identity proofs etc.
  • Dry food and water.
  • Candles and matches.
  • Knife.
  • Chlorine tablets.
  • Loose cash.
  • Thick ropes.
  • Strong shoes.

What factors does the government check post cyclones as damage control?

The Government check the following factors after a cyclone passes -

  • Power lines.
  • Roads.
  • Transportation.
  • Drinking water facility.
  • Sewage lines.
  • Spread of epidemic.

Are there any Government-aided schemes to safeguard individuals against a cyclone?

Yes. The Ministry of Home Affairs formulated a comprehensive National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Strategy in 2003. With this strategy, the formation of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) took place.

Which of the action should we not take during cyclone?

When affected by a cyclone you should remain indoors as far as possible. You should avoid drinking river or lake water as it may be contaminated.

Where is the safest place to go during a cyclone?

Staying indoor is the place to be during a cyclone. Remember to close all doors and windows carefully. You should stay away from windows and take shelter preferably in a basement, hallway or bathroom.