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Landslides in India - Causes, Types and Preventive Measures

Landslides refer to gravitational movements of mass of rock downwards on a slope. As per a report from Geological Survey of India (GSI), 12.6% of the total land area in India are prone to landslides. Hence, correct knowledge about the causes of landslides is essential to take timely preventive measures and ensure safety. Keep reading to learn about its causes, types and other vital details.

What Causes a Landslide in India?

Take a look at the 5 factors that trigger landslides in India:

1. Deforestation

Human interference is one of the major causes of landslides in India. Deforestation is one such phenomenon which may trigger landslide. For example, the Himalayan region has become more vulnerable to landslides due to the indiscriminate cutting of trees.

Removal of trees reduces the binding properties of soil and rocks. This enables the water to seep into the sub-surface, making the topsoil vulnerable. Even GSI confirmed that increased deforestation is one of the reasons for landslides in Western Maharashtra and the Konkan region.

2. Shifting Cultivation

Shifting cultivation is common in hilly regions and Northeast areas. Every year, residents burn the forests for cultivation purposes. However, this deteriorates the quality of topsoil, causing erosion during heavy rainfall. This makes such regions more vulnerable to landslides.

3. Heavy Rainfall and Earthquakes

Above 40% of the Kumaon Himalayan region are vulnerable to landslides due to earthquakes. Additionally, heavy rainfall often causes landslides. For example, heavy rain caused landslides in Talai village of Maharashtra in 2021.

4. Mining

Human activities like mining or quarrying remove the vegetation cover and soil gravel. This lowers the groundwater retention capacity. Also, it increases the risk of flooding. Therefore, landslides occur due to loose debris or excess floods during an earthquake and heavy rainfall, respectively.

5. Urbanisation

Increasing population pressure in few regions of India is alarming. For example, Dharamshala is prone to landslides. It is one of the fastest developing cities in the Himalayan region. Here, intensive urbanisation activities such as establishing commercial housing projects and road construction reduce the vegetation cover. This leads to an increasing frequency of landslides in this region.

What Are the Different Types of Landslides?


Landslides in India are divided into four categories -

Types of Landslides Meaning
Topples This occurs due to fracture in rocks. It causes tilting for gravitational pull without collapsing.
Falls This involves the collapse of rocks or debris from a cliff or slope. It results in the collection of debris at the base of a hill.
Spread It occurs in gentle slopes where soft debris or other materials are widely available.
Slides It occurs when debris, rocks or soil slide through a slope.

What Are the Impacts of Landslides in India?

Note the following impact of landslides in India:

  • Mud, debris and rocks slide from the slope during landslides. This restricts human movement and creates a traffic barrier on highway and railway lines. For example, a landslide blocked the national highway-5 at Badhal district.
  • Loss of human lives is one of the severe effects. On 11th August 2021, a landslide at Kinnaur district killed approximately 28 people.
  • As per reports, experts believe landslide is the chief factor behind the Joshimath sinking crisis which led to mass evacuation in January 2023.
  • It damages houses, roads and buildings. This further creates a financial burden for rebuilding infrastructure to rehabilitate the masses.
  • The debris sliding down from slopes block the river channel fully or partially. This makes it difficult for locals to get the water supply.
  • Landslides also increase the risk of floods. It is because the debris increases the river sediment. As a result, irregular course rivers become frequent, resulting in floods.

What Are the 3 Landslide Zones in India?

Landslide zones in India are divided into the following areas -

Moderate-Low Vulnerable Landslide Zones

  • Trans Himalayan region
  • Spiti of Himachal Pradesh
  • Aravalli mountains
  • Deccan Plateau
  • Chhattisgarh
  • Jharkhand
  • Odisha

High Vulnerable Zones

  • Northeastern region
  • Eastern Ghats
  • Konkan Hills
  • Nilgiris

Very High Vulnerable Zones

  • Andaman and Nicobar Island
  • Western Ghats
  • Darjeeling
  • Sikkim
  • Uttarakhand

What Are the Measures Required to Prevent Landslides?

Take the necessary steps mentioned below to control landslides in India:

  • An increase in forest cover is a must in community lands to reduce the hazard of landslides.
  • People must store the excess water in catchment areas. It will reduce the effect of flash floods and also recharge groundwater levels.
  • People must restrict the grazing of their animals. Also, reduce the urbanisation activities such as building dams or other commercial projects.
  • Implementation of public awareness regarding preventive measures during landslides and other hazard management is necessary.

What Is the Insurance Policy in India to Help from Landslide Damages?

Natural calamities are unforeseen, but it creates significant physical and economic damages. Choose Bharat Griha Insurance Policy to protect yourself from such damage. Let's take a look at what does it cover in its insurance plan:

Bharat Griha Insurance Policy

Bharat Griha or Standard Fire and Special Perils policy extends financial coverage for damages caused by the following natural disasters:

  • Landslide
  • Tsunami
  • Fire
  • Tornado
  • Flood
  • Hurricane
  • Earthquake
  • Rockslide
  • Forest and bush fires
  • Cyclone
  • Storm etc.


  • The policy offers financial coverage for building homes damaged during landslides or other natural disasters.
  • Financial coverage of up to 20% of the sum is insured for rebuilding general house contents. The maximum monetary benefit is limited to ₹10,00,000. Individuals can claim higher insurance coverage for house contents. Accordingly, submit details of the damaged contents.
  • It also extends insurance coverage to the following options:
    • Jewellery and curios
    • Accidents of an insured and his/her spouse due to the perils covered under this plan.
  • It features no underinsurance. Suppose a sum insured is less than the actual value of the damage. In that case, you will get the payable amount to restore such damage.

FAQs About Landslides in India

Which part is India is most affected by landslides?

According to the report of National Disaster Management Authority, the Himalayan foothills are most commonly and severely affected by landslides. This includes states like Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Northern part of West Bengal and Sikkim.

What are the preventative measures of landslides?

While natural ways like reforestation is useful to reduce landslides, improving drainage facility and modifying slope geometry is useful to prevent landslides.

Can landslides be caused by rain?

Earthquake and heavy rainfall may destabilise the soil which may eventually trigger landslides.

. Can landslides happen anytime?

Yes, landslides can occur at any time. Although, they might occur as a result of increased human activity or earthquake and heavy rainfall.

Is landslide man made or natural?

Landslides are caused by both natural phenomena as well as due to human actions such as deforestation and mining.