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National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM)

The penetration level for technical textiles in India varies from 5% to 10% compared to the high level of 30-40% in developed countries. To enhance the usage of these textiles, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has established a National Technical Textiles Mission in 2020, with a budget of ₹1480 crore.

However, for a successful enrolment under this scheme, one might consider knowing every detail of this scheme. To that end, a skim through this piece can be a good start.

What Is the National Technical Textile Mission?

Textile materials that are manufactured for their technical performance and functional properties rather than aesthetic and decorative features fall under the technical textiles category. These products are broadly classified into 12 different categories- Agrotech, Oekotech, Buildtech, Meditech, Geotech, Clothtech, Mobiltech, Hometech, Sportstech,Indutech, Protech, Packtech.

To position India in technical textiles as a global leader, the Ministry of Textiles launched this scheme. The present yearly value of technical textiles is ₹14,000 crore. This mission aims to amp up this figure to ₹20,000 crore by 2021-22. This will ensure 10% yearly export growth on an average till 2023-24. 

In this regard, let’s check out how the National Technical Textiles Mission ministry plans to implement this scheme.

How Does NTTM Scheme Work?

The Ministry will implement this mission through a three-tier institutional mechanism consisting of the following groups -

  • Mission Steering Group: This group will approve all financial norms concerning the mission’s schemes, programmes and components. They will also approve scientific and technological research projects under this mission.
  • Empowered Programme Committee: They will approve all projects except research projects, which are within the financial limits of several programmes as approved by the mission steering group. The committee will also be responsible for monitoring the implementation of various mission components.
  • Technical Textiles Committee on Research, Development and Innovation: This committee identifies and recommends research projects to the mission steering group for approval. The projects are related to strategic sectors such as space, defence, para-military, security and atomic energy.

Now that you know how the mission might function let’s see who all are eligible for several posts under this mission.

Who Is Eligible to Apply for the National Technical Textile Mission?

As of January 2021, the post of senior consultant (data analytics), consultant/specialist (scientific research), and consultants (applications) were available under National Technical Textiles Mission.

Here are the eligibility criteria for such posts -

Senior Consultant

  • M.Sc. (Maths/Statistics), MBA, M.comm. qualified students
  • 5 years of working experience
  • 21 to 65 years of age as of 1.08.2020
  • Must be engaged up to 31.03.2024
  • Hired on a contractual basis based on interview
  • 1 post available
  • Consolidated emoluments ₹80,000 per month

Consultant or Specialist (Scientific Research)

  • M.Sc in Agriculture, Physics, Material Science and Chemistry
  • 5 years of experience in relevant field
  • 21-65 years of age as of 1.08.2020
  • Recruited on a contractual basis based on interview
  • Must work under the mission till 31.03.2024
  • ₹80,000 p.m. emoluments (consolidated)
  • One available post

Consultants (Applications)

Same as consultants or specialists for scientific research

Apart from NTTM eligibility, you should also be aware of the mission’s several features.

What Are the Features of the National Technical Textiles Mission?

The mission is deriving its support from the “Make in India” initiative. It plans to develop the technical textiles sector in the following ways:

  • Development and promotion of the market
  • Technical collaborations internationally
  • Investment promotion
  • “Make in India” initiative

By following the aforementioned ways, India’s import dependency will decrease, and domestic manufacturing of capital goods will increase.

What Are the Components of NTTM?

The four components under this mission are:

  • Research, Development, and Innovation: With an outlay of ₹1000 crore, the component focuses on research at both fibre and application-based levels in geo, mobile textiles, medical, agro, sports, and development of biodegradable technical textiles.
  • Market Development and Promotion: An outlay of ₹50 crore is assigned for this component. Under this component, the mission aims to increase the domestic market size from $40 million to $50 million.
  • Export Promotion: This component aims to promote exports and comes with an outlay of ₹10 crore.
  • Education, Training, and Skill Development: ₹400 crore fund is assigned for this component.

What Are the Benefits of the National Technical Textile Mission?

Here are some lucrative benefits of this scheme -

  • The usage of these textiles in dairy, Swachh Bharat Mission, agriculture, poultry, etc., will improve the costs of the economy.
  • It can enhance soil and water conservation.
  • This mission aims to improve agricultural productivity.
  • Due to increased agricultural productivity, farmers’ incomes for every acre of land will also increase.
  • It promotes manufacturing and export activities in the country.
  • Usage of geotextiles in highways, railways and ports will result in solid infrastructure, a higher life cycle, and lower maintenance costs of the infrastructure assets.
  • The mission plans to promote start-ups and ventures.


Additionally, this scheme will establish an Export Promotion Council for Technical Textiles for proper coordination and promotional activities. The Union Textiles Minister also declared that around 50,000 individuals can get trained under the skill development program of technical textiles. Thus, it is evident that the National Technical Textiles Mission can work towards holistic development of the technical textile sector on a Pan-India basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the estimated value of the Indian technical textiles market after the implementation of NTTM?

The Government envisages approximately $16 billion market value for technical textiles in India, which is around 6% of the global market.

What will the research under this mission focus on?

A certain research component will assist in developing biodegradable technical textile materials, especially for geotextiles, medical textiles and agro-textiles. Further, it will introduce equipment for the safe disposal of technical textiles that has been used.

How many training courses are available for skill development in technical textiles?

Under the National Technical Textiles Mission, six courses will be there in the National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF) to provide training.