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What Is a Savings Account and How Does it Work?

A savings account is a type of deposit account that is held at a bank and other NBFCs. It is mostly used for everyday spending, allowing unrestricted transactions while providing a modest interest rate. Check out more details on what a savings account is and how it works below.

What Is a Savings Account?

According to the savings account definition, it is one of the most feasible means of investment for people all around the world. It is considered a safe place to store hard-earned money while earning interest on the balance. People can start a savings account at their nearest bank or financial institution.

Generally, it offers high flexibility to its users but has a few limitations on the number or amount of withdrawal one can make. People can withdraw money from this whenever and wherever thus serving as an emergency fund.

What Are the Different Types of Savings Accounts?

Here are all the types of savings accounts you can open with the banks:

  • Regular Savings Accounts: These are the most basic type of savings. Everyone can open regular savings accounts by visiting their nearest banks without prior requirements. 
  • Zero Balance Savings Account: Holders must maintain a minimum balance in other savings accounts. Zero-balance savings accounts do not require any minimum balance. 
  • Women’s Savings Accounts: These savings accounts are specifically designed for women. They offer several added benefits such as insurance and special discounts.  
  • Savings Accounts for Kids: These are savings accounts made for kids. Parents use these accounts to teach their children about savings and finances. 
  • Senior Citizens’ Savings Accounts: Senior Citizens' Savings Accounts offer special benefits and higher interest yields to all senior citizens or people above 60. 
  • Family Savings Accounts: Family savings accounts help account holders save money for the long-term financial goals of his/her family.
  • Corporate Salary Accounts: Generally, employers open corporate salary accounts for their employees. These are zero-balance savings accounts used to disburse the salary and reimbursement of employees.

What Are the Features of a Savings Account?

Here is a list of the most common features of savings accounts:

  • Account Opening: Opening a savings account is a fairly easy job. You need to visit a bank, fill up the account opening form and provide all the necessary documents to the bank's representative. You will have a fully operational savings account within the next few hours. 

    Suppose you are planning to open a savings account in India. In that case, you need documents such as identity and address proof like a valid passport, voter ID card, PAN card, Aadhar card, NREGA job card or employment proof and the latest passport-size photographs. 

  • Interest Rates: Financial institutions offer interest to depositors in exchange for holding their funds. Most institutes provide modest interest rates on savings accounts ranging from 3% to 4%.

    The interest rate offered by the bank is impacted by the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) policies. Another factor that determines the interest rates offered by the banks is the amount of deposited money in the account.

  • Minimum Balance: Some banks require holders to maintain a minimum balance in their savings accounts. Banks charge a penalty in case the minimum required balance is not maintained. However, savings accounts, such as salary or zero balance accounts, do not require a minimum balance. 

  • Deposits and Withdrawals: Savings accounts allow holders to withdraw money anytime and from any location. The bank decides how much you can withdraw at a time. You can withdraw cash from the bank by drawing "Self" cheques or filling out cash withdrawal forms. On the other hand, you can use debit cards and cash deposit slips to deposit money in your savings account.

  • Debit Card Facilities: A debit card is a payment card that helps to make transactions. Transactions such as withdrawals and deposits can both be done using the card. The card usually has the bank's name, a card number, the cardholder's name, expiration date and the CVV number on the back.

What Are the Benefits of Having a Savings Account

Here is a list of all the benefits of having a savings account:

  • Ensures Safety: The savings bank account is the safest option to keep your funds rather than in a safety box. If you keep the money on hand, you can lose it, or someone can steal it. All the banks must keep your account insured by the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation for up to ₹1 lakh.

  • Accumulates Interest: In a savings account, the interest is calculated daily, monthly, or quarterly. The interest is compounded on the interest earned up to that point. The frequency of the interest earned will proportionally increase the growth of your invested money. 

  • Offers Liquidity: Liquidity in a savings account allows you to withdraw and deposit money at any time and from any location. The bank decides the deposit and withdrawal limits of your account. Facilities such as debit cards and Internet banking help to keep the savings account liquid. 

  • Helps in Financial Planning: Savings account helps to plan your finances better. One of the most important parts of financial planning is loan payment. The ECS facility helps to automate finances. 

How Does a Savings Account Work?

You start a savings account at a bank or NBFC and deposit your money into the account. Banks and NBFCs use these savings accounts as a source of funds for loans. Based on the yield earned from the loans, the bank keeps some of it and pays the rest as interest to your savings account. 

The interest rate or the annual percentage yield varies from bank to bank but mostly depends on the policies of the RBI. 

What Are the Factors to Consider When Choosing a Savings Account?

Here are some of the most important factors to consider when choosing a savings account:

  • Interest rates: The interest rate or annual percentage yield is the most important factor to consider when choosing a savings account. Nowadays, the yield is very low on savings accounts. The average interest rate on savings accounts in India varies from 2% to 7%. 

  • Annual Maintenance Fees: Some banks charge a maintenance charge on savings accounts. It is considered a major factor when choosing a savings account. Some banks also charge a maintenance fee on the debit cards they provide. So, always check for all the fees while opening a savings bank account. 

  • Accessibility: Another very important feature of a savings account is accessibility. The savings account must provide all your banking needs in one place. Check all its facilities, including deposits, transfers, and withdrawals. It is also essential to check if the savings account offers online banking, mobile banking and ATM access.

  • Customer Service: Always check the review of customer service of the bank. Nowadays, everyone has hectic schedules and busy lifestyles. In such cases, some banks offer doorstep services such as cash or cheque pickup, demand draft delivery, and documentation pickup. Also, check how the bank responds in case of any fraudulent transactions and emergencies.

This article gives you an idea of what a savings account is and how it works. Keep these factors in mind while choosing a bank for your next savings account opening. Savings accounts are one of the simplest ways to earn interest while retaining flexibility. However, do not think about savings accounts as a long-term investment option.

FAQs About Savings Account in India

How many savings accounts can an individual open?

There are no regulations on the number of savings accounts you can open, but you must maintain the minimum balance to have all those accounts. According to experts, you can have a maximum of two to three savings accounts. Otherwise, it will become very tough for you to manage those accounts.

Through which modes can users transfer money from their savings account?

Nowadays, it is very easy to make transactions with a savings account. You can transfer money using online NEFT, ATM, direct deposit and phone using UPI. Some banks limit withdrawals to six per month, and it is limited to the amount available in the account.

How to check the interest earned on a savings account?

You must go through your monthly bank statement to check the interest earned on a savings account. It will show how much interest you earned for that month. The calculation is based on your interest rate, balance and compounding frequency. Otherwise, you can also check it using an online savings account interest calculator.