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What is Adenovirus: Transmission, Symptoms and How to Prevent

Adenovirus is a group of viruses that manifest as mild to severe infections in your body. These infections mainly affect the respiratory system and cause symptoms similar to flu. Generally, most adenovirus infections are not that serious and get cured with symptomatic treatment.

Let’s get a thorough understanding of Adenovirus as we have highlighted some of the important aspects related to adenovirus, its transmission and so on in this article.

What does Adenovirus Mean?

Adenovirus is a very common virus that causes a wide range of infections that clinically manifest, like the common cold or flu. To date, researchers have discovered more than 50 virus strains that can affect humans.

Even though they can infect humans throughout the year, the infections increase in number during the early spring and winter. The infections are from mild to severe, which generally do not progress towards serious illness.

How are Adenoviruses Transmitted?

Adenovirus can spread very rapidly. Some of the ways through which they are transmitted are discussed in the following part:

  • Surfaces and different objects: If you touch a contaminated surface and subsequently touch your eyes and nose, the virus gets transferred to your body. 
  • Faeces: The stool of an infected person is also one of the most common ways of transmission of adenovirus. This can occur when a mother changes an infected child's diaper. 
  • Water: Adenovirus thrives in unchlorinated water. So a swimmer may catch the virus if the water is not adequately chlorinated. 
  • Droplet Infection: Adenoviruses can spread through droplets. So when an infected person sneezes, the droplets remain in the air and get transferred to other people. 
  • Close contact with the patient: Staying near the patient and performing activities such as hugging and kissing spreads the virus to the healthy person.

Even after your recovery, your body sheds off the virus for a very long time. So even though you do not show any symptoms, you still carry the virus and unknowingly spread it.

What are the Symptoms of Adenovirus?

Different types of adenovirus produce different symptoms, among which are discussed in the following section:

  • Bronchitis and other respiratory problems: It includes chills and fever, along with a runny nose.
  • Ear Infection: The infected person may suffer from ear pain and irritability.
  • Stomach and Intestinal Infections: This will manifest as vomiting and diarrhoea accompanied by stomach cramps.
  • UTI (Urinary Tract Infections): The infected person may feel a burning sensation during urination and frequent urge to urinate. Hematuria may also be present.
  • Pink eye: Otherwise known as conjunctivitis, pink eye, discharge from eyes, and tearing may also be a symptom of adenovirus infection.
  • Swelling of the CNS (Brain and Spinal Cord): This may cause meningitis and encephalitis.
  • Croup: This includes trouble breathing, barking cough, and high-pitched sound when inhaling air. 
  • Pneumonia: Pneumonia has the usual symptoms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath.

Note: If your baby is under the age of 3 years, straightaway call the doctors if you notice the slightest symptoms of adenovirus.

What are the Causes of Adenovirus Infections?

The 50 different types of strains are responsible for different types of adenovirus infections in the human body, affecting specific parts of our body. The virus is highly contagious.

Who is at Risk of Getting Adenovirus Infection?

Everyone can catch adenovirus. However, the two groups of people mentioned below have higher chances:

  • Children less than 5 years of age. 
  • Immunocompromised patients.

Both of the above-mentioned groups of people have weakened immune systems and, therefore, have a higher chance of getting infected by the adenovirus.

How is Adenovirus Diagnosed?

The first step in diagnosing an infection is to take a proper history and conduct a physical examination. After that, the physician may run the following tests:

  • Urine Test: The suspected person is asked to pee in a cup and submit the sample.  
  • Stool Test: A sterile container will be provided for you to collect your stool and send it for examination. 
  • Swab Test: A cotton swab takes a mucus sample from the nose. 
  • Blood Test: Venous blood is collected and sent for testing. 
  • Chest X-ray: This gives a  clear picture of the heart and lungs.

What is the Treatment for Adenovirus Infection?

There is no specific treatment for adenovirus, and the physician prescribes medicine only to relieve the symptoms. However, adequate rest, along with home care, is known to be the best for such infections. Some of the possible remedies are: 

  • Provide decongestants to the infected person to help them breathe properly. Give a cool-mist humidifier to the patient to facilitate the breathing process.
  • Rehydrate the patient by providing plenty of fluid, as there is a high chance of dehydration from diarrhoea and vomiting.
  • Lastly, give the patient antipyretics to relieve them from body aches and fever.

How to Prevent Adenovirus Infection?

There are high chances of catching adenovirus and getting sick. So, follow the advice below to save yourself from this nasty virus:

  • Properly wash your hands using hand wash and water, following the 7 steps of handwashing for 120 seconds.
  • Don’t touch your facial features or, for that matter, any delicate body part if you have not washed your hands for a long time.
  • Stay away from those who are sick.
  • Properly clean and disinfect the objects of your house frequently.
  • The hard surfaces should be cleaned with a bleaching solution.

If you are already infected with adenovirus, take the following steps to avoid transmission: 

  • Stay at home until your healthcare provider says otherwise.
  • Use your elbow or a tissue while coughing or sneezing. Avoid your hands to do so.
  • Don’t share personal items like towels, utensils, cups, etc.
  • Maintain social distance from others. Refrain from hugging and kissing as well
  • Maintain proper hygiene and wash your hands often.

Adenovirus infections tend to have a good prognosis if you have a strong immune system and a healthy body. Along with supportive treatments, you will recover in no time. However, immunocompromised patients have a high mortality rate of as high as 70%. So, you should seek medical help if you notice the signs and symptoms.

FAQs about What is Adenovirus

What kills adenovirus?

Every EPA-registered disinfectant effectively kills adenoviruses, such as a bleach-based solution.

Which strains are the most common strains of adenovirus?

The most common strains of adenovirus are Adenovirus types 3,4 and 7.

Do antibiotics help combat adenovirus infection?

Antibiotics do not help in adenovirus infection as they focus on killing bacteria, not viruses.