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What Is Typhoid? Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Typhoid is a life-threatening infection generally caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi. The source of this infection is mostly contaminated food and water. The most common typhoid symptoms are high fever and gastrointestinal problems. According to the medical survey report published by WHO, around 15-20 million people suffer from typhoid, out of which around 125000 and 160000 people lose the battle against this deadly infection. Medical experts worldwide recommend staying up-to-date about its symptoms and causes as a primary step towards prevention.

What Are the Different Types of Typhoid?

As per experiments on Salmonella typhi, the different types of this disease are based on the species of bacteria responsible for causes of typhoid and paratyphoid fevers. These are as follows:

  • Salmonella Typhi
  • Paratyphi A
  • Paratyphi B
  • Paratyphi C 

However, research shows that infections through Paratyphoid B and Paratyphoid C are commonly rare. The effect of this infection through these bacteria causes crucial damage to the stomach functions causing gastroenteritis.

There isn’t any significant difference between typhoid and paratyphoid as it is caused by bacterial infection of the same nature.

What Are the Stages of Typhoid?

Based on the symptoms of typhoid and severity of the disease, the patient is marked according to a stage of typhoid. The classification into these stages allows doctors to understand the level of treatment needed for the patient. For example, here are following four stages of typhoid fever:

Stage Description
1. In stage 1, there are some occurrences of primary symptoms such as dry cough, mild fever, restlessness and headaches.
2. In this stage, the effect of infection increases with an increase in fever and stomach bloating. In addition to this, the patient might also suffer from hallucinations and sudden weight loss at this stage of typhoid fever.
3. At this stage, the patient suffers tremendous intestinal holes, which in most cases lead to abdominal haemorrhage. The effect of infection is severe due to chronic dehydration and fatigue.
4. The final stage of this ailment creates many severe health complications that become life-threatening. These health complications include kidney failure, pancreatitis and pneumonia and require under-the-observation treatment.

What Are the Symptoms of Typhoid?

The symptoms of typhoid fever start with some early-stage complications like high temperature, abdominal muscle cramps, and slight nausea. In most cases, these symptoms are neglected as common illnesses. During chronic hours, the patient will face some symptoms, which are:

  • Extreme temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Severe headaches
  • Light red-coloured spots in the chest or abdominal portions
  • Pain in the lower stomach causing constipation or diarrhoea
  • Loss of appetite followed by weakness

Apart from this, the patient faces othern acute or chronic symptoms depending on their health condition. These are getting chills, body pain, blood in stools, and sometimes hallucinations.

What Are the Main Causes of Typhoid?

According to various researches, the causes of typhoid are because of the bacteria called Salmonella typhi. The infection is generally spread through contact with a contaminated surface or unhygienic sanitation. This bacterium is generally transmitted to raw fruits and vegetables, which results in food poisoning.

What Are the Risk Factors of Typhoid?

The certain risk factors that increase the chances of the contamination are:

  • Mostly travelling to areas which are flagged as typhoid endemic area
  • Consumption of unwashed fruits and vegetables
  • Involved in a profession that requires research of Salmonella typhi bacteria
  • Being in contact with a person that suffered from typhoid fever

What Is the Recommended Treatment for Typhoid?

In consultation with doctors, he/she will conduct a thorough physical examination before starting with the treatment for typhoid. Based on the tests, the doctor finds out complications like enlarged liver and spleen, the occurrence of rash in the chest, etc. To begin with the process of diagnosis, here are the following tests conducted by the doctor, etc.:

  • Blood tests that aid in detection of IgM and IgG antibodies and presence of Salmonella Typhi bacteria
  • Urinal analysis and bone marrow culture
  • Widal antigen test
  • Typhi dot tests

On receiving the patients' test results, the doctor proceeds with the treatment of typhoid fever with medicines and proper food charts. The most effective treatment for typhoid is antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, and ceftriaxone. However, the growing resistance of Salmonella typhi to these antibiotics has caused difficulties in treating patients with typhoid fever.

In addition to this, doctors also suggest consuming sufficient water and fluids to prevent dehydration and prolonged fever. Doctors also perform surgeries to mend the hole in the intestine because of bacterial infection.

How to Prevent Typhoid?

According to medical experts, few promising factors act as a shield against the causes of typhoid. Changing lifestyle factors like purified drinking water, top-notch sanitation and sufficient awareness and doctoral guidance helps prevent typhoid to a great extent. However, establishing these factors is challenging work due to the growing population and pollution. To keep this in mind, doctors recommend vaccines as a proven way to prevent this life-threatening disease.

Normally, vaccines are of two kinds:

  1. A single weekly dose of shots/injections given prior to travelling, or
  2. Oral intake of four capsules, taken every alternate day

It is to note that even vaccines cannot provide complete protection against these bacteria causing typhoid. The prevention of bacteria is possible by taking necessary precautions and vaccines. Here are few guidelines for maximum protection from the bacteria:

  • Frequent washing of hands in warm and using soap is one of the most necessary habits to adopt. This habit provides optimum prevention of typhoid infection. In addition to this, washing hands before and after having meals and after using the toilet eliminates the bacteria causing diseases.
  • Based on recommendations, it is essential not to consume raw fruits, vegetables or uncooked meats as chances of contamination are generally high in these cases.
  • Another way to prevent typhoid germs is consuming warm and cooked food. Steaming hot food is safe to choose from, even in fine dining restaurants.
  • Lastly, drinking untreated water is unsafe as it contains the germs responsible for causing infections. For this purpose, medical experts suggest drinking packaged water or carbonated water.

The nature of these bacteria causing typhoid is vulnerable and growing its immunity to develop its immunity while present in the air. So it is important to seek medical assistance in noticing symptoms of typhoid and follow the instructions as per prescriptions.

When to See a Doctor?

The symptoms of typhoid are often confused with minor flu and other common ailments, which increases the severity of this disease. Experts recommend visiting a medical practitioner on the occasion of following situations:

  • On coming in contact with someone infected with typhoid bacteria or have typhoid fever
  • Travelling in an area where there is a history of a typhoid fever outbreak
  • Noticing any symptoms like abdominal pain, lower urinary output, and other similar symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which are the most effective antibiotics for typhoid treatment?

Doctors prescribed the most effective antibiotics are ciprofloxacin (for non-pregnant females and adults) and ceftriaxone.

What are the prominent symptoms of typhoid in adults?

Some of typhoid's general signs and symptoms in adults are weakness, abdominal pain, diarrhoea or constipation, body pain and headache, loss of appetite, etc.

What is the best cure for typhoid fever?

Some of the medications proved to be the effective cure for typhoid: ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, and ceftriaxone.