6 Common Skin Rashes and What They Look Like

A skin rash refers to a skin condition where an area of skin has swollen or is irritated or inflamed. It generally includes skin bumps which look like sores or pimples and has burning or itchy skin that is red, blotchy or scaly skin. While some skin rashes take some time to develop, few occur immediately. The primary reasons why these rashes develop are certain medical conditions, heat and allergies.

Want to know more about the types and treatments for skin rashes? Read along to know more about it.

What Are the Most Common Types of Skin Rashes?

The most common skin rashes are listed below:

1. Eczema

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a skin condition where the skin turns raised, red, has itchy patches on skin and scalp, and is generally associated with intense itching. Commonly affected areas include hands, feet, elbow, knees, ankles, and eyelids. This is one of the common skin rashes in children.


The main reason for rashes on skin like eczema is environmental factors like hot weather, drying detergents or chemicals.


  • Dry skin which has severe itching, especially during the night
  • Sensitive and swollen skin from excessive itching
  • Small raised bumps that might release fluid and crust if itched excessively
  • Brownish-gray and reddish patches, especially on the wrist, upper chest, eyelids, hands, feet, inside the bend of elbows and feet, the face and scalp
  • Cracked, scaly and thickened skin


There is no cure for this disease. The treatment process of eczema, including both medicines and therapy, only aims to heal the affected portion and control symptoms. Moreover, doctors will recommend medicines depending on an individual’s age, health condition and symptoms. For example, they may suggest creams to control itching and help repair the skin.

Also, doctors provide oral drugs like prednisone which might control inflammation, while antibiotics help reduce infection.

Therapies include:

  • Light therapy or phototherapy for people whose skin conditions do not get better with medicines. This method means exposure of skin to controlled amounts of sunlight.
  • A wet dressing is an effective and intensive treatment method for individuals having severe atopic dermatitis. This method involves wrapping the affected area with wet bandages and corticosteroids, and it often is done in hospitals with the help of nursing staff.
  • Another treatment method for individuals who scratch habitually is behaviour modification, feedback and relaxation.
  • For individuals who are frustrated or embarrassed about their skin condition, talking to a counsellor or therapist might help.

Ways to Prevent

  • Know what triggers the skin and avoid it. For example, harsh soaps, certain food items etc., might trigger eczema, and individuals should avoid those.
  • Choose the right moisturiser and prevent skin from drying out.
  • Individuals must not avoid showers and take a bath regularly using gentle soaps.
  • Use mild detergents to wash clothes and prefer to wear soft fabrics always.

2. Rosacea

Rosacea is a skin condition which mainly affects the face. It is a common skin condition which affects around 1-20% of the global population. However, many people confuse rosacea with eczema and acne and thus receive the wrong diagnosis.


Individuals need to know what causes rashes on the skin apart from knowing its symptoms and treatment. The causes of rosacea are unknown, but according to scientists and health professionals, factors that lead to rosacea could be genetic or environmental factors. An overactive immune system can also trigger it. However, these are not contagious and poor hygiene does not lead to this infection.

Rosacea can be triggered by -

  • Sun or wind
  • Spicy food and hot drinks
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Alcoholic beverages and red wine
  • Exercise
  • Emotions
  • Blood pressure medications and other drugs that dilate the blood vessels
  • Skincare or hair care, or cosmetic products


  • Individuals with rosacea might develop small bumps on their skin that appear like pimples and contain small amounts of pus.
  • The blood vessels of cheeks and nose break and become visible and appear like spider veins in some individuals.
  • The central part of an individual who has rosacea will have persistent flushing or blushing. This condition is easily visible on fair skin tones as compared to dark skin tones. The skin might also feel tender and hot and produce a burning sensation.
  • Often, men suffering from rosacea get a nose that appears bulbous due to this disease thickening the skin on the nose.
  • Some individuals also face ocular rosacea, where they experience irritated, swollen, red and dry eyes and eyelids. In certain cases, ocular rosacea appears before the skin symptoms show up.


The treatment methods for rosacea include oral antibiotics such as doxycycline prescribed for individuals having moderate to severe rosacea with pimples and bumps.

Health professionals might prescribe gel or creams for the affected area for individuals with moderate to severe rosacea.

For individuals whose rosacea does not respond to medications and therapies, doctors might prescribe oral acne drugs for them.

Ways to Prevent

  • Individuals can pay attention to what triggers their skin and avoid doing it to prevent rosacea.
  • Choosing the correct cleansers and moisturisers and making sure they are gentle and fragrance-free.
  • Individuals should avoid touching their faces unnecessarily. Individuals must do it with utmost care and gentleness, even while rubbing faces.
  • A sunscreen having an SPF of 30 and above must be used by individuals. Before stepping out in the sun, individuals should use it to protect themselves from harmful UV rays.

3. Scabies

Scabies is a type of skin rash caused when a burrowing mite called Sarcoptes scabiei burrows in an individual's skin. It causes severe itching, and the tendency to itch increases, especially at night. It is a contagious disease which spreads very quickly.


The burrowing mite that causes this disease is microscopic, and human eyes can't see it. The female mite underneath an individual’s skin and makes a tunnel where it lays the egg.

The eggs that are laid mature and work their way to the individual's skin, and the individual's body's allergic reaction to these mites is what causes the itching.

Close physical contact with an infected person or sharing of clothes or bedding with an infected person spreads the disease.


  • The symptoms of this disease mainly include severe itching, which tends to increase at night time.
  • Irregular, thin burrow tracks made up of tiny bumps or blisters also appear on the infected person’s skin.


The treatment method for this disease includes the usage of medications in the form of creams and lotions.

The creams used are as follows -

  • Ivermectin (Stromectol)
  • Crotamiton (Crotan, Eurax)
  • Permethrin cream

Ways to Prevent

  • Individuals can prevent it by not coming in close contact with an infected person, since scabies is a contagious disease.
  • They can avoid using the same clothing and bedsheets to prevent it.
  • Individuals should maintain proper hygiene.

4. Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition where an individual's scalp mainly gets affected, and it causes scaly patches, stubborn dandruff and red skin


The exact cause of this skin condition is unknown to health professionals; however, these might be its causes -

  • When the immune system of an individual gives an irregular response 
  • Malassezia is a yeast or fungus that is present in the oil secretion on the skin


The symptom of skin rash Seborrheic Dermatitis is mentioned below.

  • Itching
  • Greasy skin patches covered with flaky yellow or white scales on the crust of scalp, eyebrows, eyelids, armpits, face, sides of the nose, groin area, chest, or under the breast
  • Dandruff on scalp, hair, beard, moustache or eyebrows
  • Red skin


The treatment methods include medicated shampoos, lotions and creams. Other than that, health professionals might also prescribe antifungal gels, shampoos or creams, and medication. Doctors might also prescribe antifungal pills as medicines.

Ways to Prevent

  • Individuals must clean their scalp regularly with anti-dandruff shampoos.
  • Men who have a beard should regularly clean it as well.
  • Individuals should also make sure to wash their skin regularly.
  • Wearing clean smooth-textured cotton clothing is preferred.
  • Individuals should avoid styling products as much as possible.
  • To prevent this, individuals must also avoid hair and skin products that contain alcohol.

5. Shingles

Shingles is a skin condition caused by a similar virus as chickenpox- varicella-zoster virus, and it is a viral infection that causes a painful rash. Although it is not deadly, it is a very painful rash, and the use of injections might reduce it.


As mentioned above, it is caused by the same virus which causes chickenpox. Any individual who has suffered from chickenpox might develop this skin condition. After an individual recovers from chickenpox, the virus enters his/her nervous system and remains dormant for years.

This condition's exact reason is unknown, but it might be due to decreasing immunity power that individuals get as they grow old.


Shingles generally affect only one part of an individual’s body. It is most often seen around either the right side or the left side of an individual’s torso. The symptoms an individual might go through are-

  • Itching
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Red rash that develops after an individual experiences the pain
  • Blisters which are fluid-filled and break open and crust over
  • Numbness, pain, tingling or burning sensation


There is no cure for shingles available on the market now. But, individuals who see symptoms of shingles should visit a doctor or health professional soon to reduce the chances of complications. Doctors might prescribe medicines to reduce the duration of the infection and decrease the pain.

Ways to Prevent

  • Since the primary cause of this skin condition is a similar virus as chickenpox, getting two doses of the chickenpox vaccine can reduce the chances of getting it.
  • Avoid touching the infected area or blisters to prevent spreading it to other parts.
  • Keep the site clean and covered.

6. Ringworm

Ringworm is a skin condition that is also known as dermatophyte infection or dermatophytosis and is a fungal infection. Its name is ringworm because it is generally circular and ring-like in shape.


  • Individuals can get the infection from direct human to human interaction. If an individual gets in contact with an infected person or shares personal items such as towels and combs, they can get this disease.
  • Direct contact with an infected animal can also transmit ringworm into an individual’s skin. Common sources for ringworm are cats and dogs. However, coming in contact with infected cows too can be a source of this infection.
  • Objects such as a floor of shower or a telephone can also carry the germs of this disease. The fungi thrive in moist and damp environments.
  • Even soil can carry the fungi of ringworms, and humans can derive it even by directly contacting soil.


Its symptoms will vary depending on the area of infection. However, the general conditions one may experience includes:

  • Hair loss
  • Itchiness
  • Blisters
  • Redness of skin
  • Flat or round patch of itchy skin


The remedy for skin rash ringworm is done with the help of medication. Doctors recommend over-the-counter medicine like antifungal lotion, powder or cream if an individual gets the ringworm on their skin. A few popular medications of ringworm are miconazole and clotrimazole.

Ways to Prevent

  • Individuals must keep their skin clean and dry to prevent getting ringworms.
  • Avoid sharing clothes with someone who has been infected with ringworm.
  • Individuals who play sports should keep their uniforms and gear clear and avoid sharing them with other players.
  • Wearing flip-flops in showers and locker rooms might help as well.
  • Individuals should try to change their underwear and socks at least once a day.

That is all individuals need to know about the types and reasons for rashes on the skin. Maintaining hygiene and cleanliness can save individuals from getting these rashes on their skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Food items that individuals must avoid if they get a skin rash are citrus fruits, eggs, dairy, tomatoes, spices like vanilla, cinnamon and clove, and gluten.

Rashes typically last for a maximum of 2-3 weeks. The best idea is to leave the skin rashes alone and if possible, apply moisturisers to help the rashes heal faster.