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What Should Be the Precautions After Bypass Surgery?

People who suffer from chronic heart blockages undergo coronary bypass surgery. This condition occurs when the arteries narrow down and block the passage of oxygen and nutrients through blood vessels to the body.

The formation of fat within the walls of the vessels hinders blood movement, causing a blockage. Open heart surgery is a method to remove those blocks, but extra care should be taken to increase a person's life span.

Here are some important precautions after bypass surgery that patients need to follow.

Keep reading!

Precautionary Tips to Be Followed After Bypass Surgery

Patients and health workers must act in tandem to stop the progression of heart disease. If you wonder how to take care of a patient after bypass surgery, go through the tips listed below.

1. Care of Surgical Wound

Things to do –

  • Shower daily with antimicrobial soap.
  • Use a clean washcloth and antiseptic liquid to clean the wound.
  • Keep the place of the incision dry.

Things not to do –

  • Do not wear tight clothes.
  • Never apply creams, powders or ointments of any kind around the wound.
  • Avoid bathtubs, swimming, or any activity that can pressurise the chest bone.

2. Maintain a Balanced Diet

Things one can eat –

  • Meat – Meat or its alternatives like eggs, nuts and legumes.
  • Fish – Fishes rich in omega 3 will help to keep the heart healthy.
  • Whole Grains – Include grains like pulses, wheat, barley, and millets.
  • Dairy – Consume low-fat dairy products.
  • Healthy Fats – Healthy fats from oils, nuts and seeds.
  • Water - Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water.

Things one should avoid eating –

  • Avoid intake of red meat.
  • Do not consume sugary foods or beverages.
  • Reduce intake of salt.
  • Avoid junk foods.

3. Proper Rest and Sleep

Proper sleep and rest are a must for faster recovery and a healthy lifestyle.

Things to do –

  • Implement a proper sleeping routine, make sure to get  8 – 10 hours of sleep  daily
  • Listen to some relaxing music or watch videos, that will help you relax and sleep better

Things to avoid –

  • Staying awake late at night
  • Lying face down
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Avoid consuming caffeine late in the evening

4. Routine Exercises

Regular exercise reduces further complications of heart problems.

Things to do –

  • Perform some moderate-intensity exercises
  • Low-impact exercises like walking or cycling
  • Integrate a range of motion exercises that involve the upper body
  • Take frequent breaks to prevent overexercising

Things to avoid while exercising –

  • Workout routines before surgery should not be followed
  • Stop exercising if you feel any pain in your chest

5. Mental Health

Mental well-being plays a huge role in leading a healthy lifestyle after open-heart surgery.

Things a family should do –

  • Support the patient to help him stay positive
  • Motivate them by indulging in some exciting activities

Things that families should avoid –

  • Talk less about the surgery
  • Reduce negativity of thoughts
  • Don’t let the blood pressure increase.

What Are the Side Effects After Heart Bypass Surgery?

Apart from curing people, Bypass surgery also comes with specific side effects that should be kept under check to avoid complications. They are –

  • Inconsistent heartbeat
  • Infection around or at the incision site
  • Abnormal kidney functions
  • Bleeding from the place of incision
  • Blood clots
  • Pneumonia
  • Breathing problems
  • Chest pain
  • Mood swings
  • Swelling in the area from where vein graft was taken
  • Itchy and numb feeling in chest and legs
  • Fatigue
  • Sleeping difficulties

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the restrictions after open-heart surgery?

After open-heart surgery, you should restrict lifting heavy items, intense workout sessions, swimming and driving for a couple of months. You can get back to everyday life once doctors deem you fit.

What is the best sleeping position after open-heart surgery?

Sleeping in an upright posture is the best sleeping position, and it prevents pressure on the chest bone and helps it to heal faster.

How long will my chest hurt after open-heart surgery?

After open-heart surgery, one may feel pain in the chest, shoulders and place from where the blood vessel was taken. The pain may stay for a couple of months but consult a doctor immediately if it seems unnatural.