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Oesophageal Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In the current era of growing health concerns, cancer is one of the most significant medical hazards yet to gain a curable treatment. As the name suggests, oesophageal cancer occurs in the oesophagus, a long, hollow tube running from your throat to your stomach. As this organ helps you swallow and digest your food, this type of cancer can be severe and life-threatening.

Have you come across anyone with this cancer and wish to know more about it? Then, you are at the right place! This article will help you learn about this cancer's types, symptoms, stages, and treatment.

What Is Oesophageal Cancer?

The oesophagus’ wall comprises several layers of tissues, such as mucous membrane, muscle, and connective tissue. Oesophageal cancer starts developing in the inner line of the oesophagus and then spreads to the outer layer as these cancer cells grow.

Thus, if you wonder what oesophageal cancer is, it refers to cancer resulting in abnormal cells growing in the oesophageal tissue. When these cells grow out of control, they form a tumour in these tissues.

What Are the Types of Oesophageal Cancer?

Generally, there are three common types of oesophageal cancer. These are as follows. 

  • Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This type of cancer usually forms in the flat, thin cells forming the lining of oesophagus. As a result of this, the cells overgrow and become uncontrollable. It is strongly linked with smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Adenocarcinoma: This type of cancer develops in the glandular cells lining the oesophagus, releasing fluids such as mucus. A particular condition called Barrett’s oesophagus results in growing these cells. Contents from the stomach, including acid and bile, can cause chronic inflammation.
  • Small Cell Carcinoma: It is the rarest type, developing from the neuroendocrine cells. These cells are responsible for releasing hormones into the bloodstream in response to signals from nerves.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Oesophageal Cancer?

To learn more about this cancer, you should find out the symptoms of oesophageal cancer. These symptoms usually start showing after a considerable period, making it difficult to diagnose this cancer at its early stages.

However, if you have any of the following symptoms, you should consider visiting a healthcare centre.

  • Problem with swallowing (dysphagia)
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Pain, pressure or burning in the chest
  • Indigestion or heartburn issues 
  • Coughing or hoarseness

What Are the Causes of Oesophageal Cancer?

Medical researchers are not yet clear about the exact causes of oesophageal cancer. However, the following risk factors often play a part in developing this cancer. 

  • Tobacco: Chewing and smoking tobacco can increase your risk of developing this cancer. Notably, regular users of tobacco are exposed to this risk.
  • Alcohol: People addicted to chronic or heavy consumption of alcohol can also develop this cancer in future.
  • Barrett’s oesophagus and chronic acid reflux: Barrett’s oesophagus is responsible for changing the cells at the oesophagus’ lower end, usually occurring from chronic untreated acid reflux. Moreover, people with long-term heartburn can also get this cancer.
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV): In countries with a high incidence of oesophageal cancer, HPV infection increases the risk of developing this cancer. Such an infection usually develops tissue changes in the vocal cords and mouth.
  • Chemical exposure: If you are exposed to chemicals such as dry-cleaning solvents over long periods because of your profession, you might be more likely to get this cancer.
  • Medical history: People with a medical history of cancer in the neck or head might be more likely to develop this cancer.
  • Other illnesses: Other disorders also link to this type of cancer, including achalasia, which usually causes swelling. On the other hand, Tylosis causes excess skin growth on palms and feet.

What Are the Different Stages of Oesophageal Cancer?

Now that you have a basic idea of this disease, you might be curious to learn the staging procedure of oesophageal cancer. Medical researchers have divided the growth of this cancer into the following five stages.

Stages Condition
Stage 0 Abnormal non-cancerous cells are found only in the layer of cells lining the oesophagus.
Stage 1 Cancer cells are found only in the outer layer of the oesophagus.
Stage 2 Cancer reaches the outer wall of the oesophagus, and it may have spread to 1 to 2 nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 3 Cancer reaches deeper into the inner muscle layer and spreads beyond the oesophagus into surrounding organs and/or more lymph.
Stage 4 Stage 4 of oesophageal cancer is the most advanced one, where cancer spreads to other organs in the body and/or to lymph nodes far from the oesophagus.


Who Is at Risk of Developing Oesophageal Cancer?

While anyone can be at risk of developing oesophageal cancer, tobacco users stand a higher chance of getting it. This particularly concerns people who regularly chew tobacco and smoke cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. Moreover, people with a family history of this cancer are also at a higher risk of getting it in future.

What Are the Treatments for Oesophageal Cancer?

After knowing all the significant facets of this disease, you must be wondering, "how to treat oesophageal cancer?” According to healthcare professionals, there are high chances of curing this cancer if diagnosed early. However, there are low survival rates if you are diagnosed in the final stages of oesophageal cancer.

Therefore, healthcare professionals use the following treatment procedures for treating this cancer.

1. Surgery

A surgery or oesophagectomy is the most common treatment for oesophageal cancer. Doctors use it to remove some parts of your oesophagus and some tissues around it. Furthermore, they can also remove some lymph nodes and check if they contain cancerous cells. If cancer has not spread beyond the oesophagus, surgery can cure it completely.

2. Radiation Therapy

It refers to using high-energy X-rays or radioactive substances for curing cancer. Using a beam of radiation aimed at the tumour can kill the cancer cells in your body. Radiation interferes with the growth of cancer cells, thereby destroying them. Moreover, these can also be used after surgery for killing any remaining cancerous cells.

3. Chemotherapy

With this, doctors use medicines to kill or stop the growth of cancer cells. While these medicines are usually transmitted directly into the bloodstream through a vein (intravenous), patients can also take these in the form of pills. This therapy is often used before surgery to shrink the tumour and control its symptoms.

4. Endoscopic Laser Therapy

This therapy helps treat advanced tumours that block the oesophagus. Doctors use lasers to cut a hole in the blockage. It enables the patients to eat with improved swallowing.

5. Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection (EDS) or Endoscopic Mucosal Resection (EMR)

These procedures help treat early tumours. Doctors use endoscopy to remove these tumours from the body without having to remove the oesophagus.

6. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)

This therapy is a new treatment for oesophageal cancer, which uses photoactive drugs (drugs activated by non-thermal light). When cancer cells absorb these drugs, they destroy them inside the body. As a result, doctors can remove various symptoms of this cancer with this therapy, particularly the problems with swallowing food.

How to Prevent Oesophageal Cancer?

While there are no particular means of preventing oesophageal cancer, medical researchers have given some ways of reducing the risks of getting this cancer. The following section described this.

  • Quit smoking and drinking: People addicted to tobacco and alcohol have higher risks of getting this cancer. Even if you are used to these, it is advisable to reduce your daily consumption with the help of medications and counselling to avoid this type of cancer.
  • Healthy diet: Having a healthy diet can help you avoid this cancer. You can include more fruits and vegetables in your daily diet to improve your health conditions.
  • Healthy weight: Doctors suggest individuals maintain a healthy weight to avoid this cancer in the future. You can consider diets and proper exercise to avoid being overweight or underweight.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is oesophageal cancer curable?

Oesophageal cancer is curable if diagnosed in the early stages. This cancer can be treated in the advanced stages but is rarely cured.

Which organ does oesophageal cancer spread to first?

Oesophageal cancer is most likely to spread to the liver first. However, it can also spread to the lungs or lymph nodes in the early stages.