Do the Digit Insurance

What Causes Mouth Ulcers and Treatment?

Ulcers in the mouth are tiny sores that develop on the gums, lips, inner cheeks, or palate. They are formed due to the erosion or loss of the mucous membrane from injury or accidental biting of the cheek. They are extremely common, and approximately 20% of people develop mouth ulcers at some point in their life. Although these ulcers usually clear up on their own, treatment for mouth ulcers is required if they last more than 3 weeks.

What Is a Mouth Ulcer?

A mouth ulcer or canker sore is a painful torment that appears within the mouth. These are generally harmless and clear up by themselves. Additionally, these are easily manageable and can be treated at home. They usually appear with a clear margin, with a yellowish-grey area at the middle and red inflammation around the edges.

What Are the Causes for Mouth Ulcers?

The causes of mouth ulcers are – 

  • Tiredness, anxiousness, and stress
  • Allergy and food intolerance
  • Reaction to certain medications 
  • Damaging gums with strong toothpaste or a toothbrush
  • Biting cheeks
  • Autoimmune diseases 
  • Irritation from strong antiseptics 
  • Burns or cuts while drinking or eating 
  • Poorly fitted braces, dentures, rough fillings or a sharp tooth
  • Viral infections  
  • Underlying gastrointestinal diseases such as coeliac disease or Crohn’s disease
  • Lack of sleep

Other than these causes of mouth ulcers, they can be triggered by –

  • Iron deficiency
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Gene
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Smoking 
  • Minor Injuries

What Are the Symptoms of Mouth Ulcers?

Oral ulcers are easy to spot, and the symptoms generally depend on the cause. However, some of the most common symptoms include – 

  • Multiple painful sores on inner cheeks, gums, lips, or palate 
  • Appearance of circular lesions with red edges and yellow, grey or white in the middle 
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain that worsens while consuming spicy, sour or salty foods
  • Problems with brushing or chewing foods due to tenderness 

What Are the Different Types of Mouth Ulcers?

Common types of mouth ulcers appear on the inner cheek and last about a week. Nevertheless, the 3 primary types of oral ulcers are –

1. Minor Ulcers

These are among the most common types of oral ulcers, and the size usually ranges from 2 millimetres up to 8 millimetres across. They usually last about 2 weeks and might cause minor pain.

2. Major Ulcers

These are usually bigger than their minor counterparts and are usually irregular in shape. They might be raised and can penetrate deeper into the tissue. Major ulcers can take several weeks to disappear and will leave scar tissue when they clear.

3. Herpetiform Ulceration (HU)

Herpetiform ulcer got its name due to its resemblance with herpes and is a subtype of aphthous ulcers. These are non-contagious and usually recur quickly.

How to Treat Mouth Ulcers?

Most mouth ulcers usually don’t require treatment and resolve on their own. But, a few ulcers such as those caused by herpes simplex infection or the aphthous variety might need tropical treatment such as gel, ointment or mouthwash. 

It should be noted that it is not possible to speed up the cure for mouth ulcers, but individuals can reduce the symptoms and the risk of complications. 

A few of the possible treatments for mouth ulcers include – 

  • Applying antiseptic gels to ulcers
  • Drinking plenty of fluids
  • Avoiding sour and spicy foods
  • Rinsing with warm and salted water for up to 4 minutes at a time
  • Using an alcohol-free steroid mouthwash or ointment 
  • Use an alcohol-free medicated mouthwash with chlorhexidine gluconate twice a day
  • In more severe cases, immunosuppressant medication might be prescribed by a doctor.

What Are the Ways To Prevent Mouth Ulcers?

The prevention of oral ulcers is possible by – 

  • Eating a nutritious and well-balanced diet
  • Gently brushing teeth and maintaining proper oral hygiene 
  • Assuring that any underlying medical issues are under control

As mentioned earlier, in general cases, the mouth is common and usually doesn’t require medical attention. But treatment for mouth ulcers is recommended for long-lasting ulcers as it might signify cancer in some cases. But, in these cases, ulcers usually appear on or under the tongue. Besides this, individuals should also seek medical help if there are several breakouts and there are chances of an underlying health condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for mouth ulcers to heal?

It usually takes one to two weeks for a mouth ulcer to heal. But, in some cases, it might take a bit longer.

What are the reasons for mouth ulcers?

Although there are multiple factors responsible for mouth ulcers, a few common factors include viral, bacterial, or fungal infections, vitamin deficiency and accidental biting of the cheeks.

How to diagnose mouth ulcers?

Mouth ulcers can be diagnosed visually, but blood tests might be necessary in severe cases.

Are mouth ulcers contagious?

No, mouth ulcers are not contagious.