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Kidney Cyst - Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

A kidney cyst is a round fluid-filled membranous sac that emerges on the surface of the kidney. Some cysts develop inside the kidney and can only be visible with the help of a microscope. Generally, these cysts are harmless and do not have many vivid symptoms, yet it is essential to undergo treatment for kidney cyst when detected with these bumps.

It is proven through medical research that most kidney cysts are non-cancerous. In addition to this, there are several factors that affect the treatment of kidney cysts, like the nature of the cyst, and whether there is an infection or inflammation. However, to get the correct treatment, it is essential to identify the symptoms first.

What Are the Symptoms of a Kidney Cyst?

Simple kidney cysts are found primarily in individuals over 50 years of age and can have very mild symptoms. However, as per medical science, some kidney cysts occur due to acute kidney diseases like Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease (ACKD). In this context, some of the common symptoms of kidney cysts are explained, which are as follows:

  • Pain in the upper abdomen
  • Traces of blood in urine or haematuria
  • Fever
  • Urinating at frequent intervals
  • Sheer pain in the back or in between ribs and pelvis

These symptoms of kidney cysts can be severe when diagnosed with PKD or ACKD. Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic kidney disease that instigates the development of a cluster of cysts. It eventually enlarges the size of the kidneys, which leads to kidney failure.

Acquired Cystic Kidney Disease mostly occurs in people receiving dialysis for end-stage renal disease. Doctors giving treatment for renal cyst to patients observe the traces of ACKD in older-aged patients.

What Are the Causes of Kidney Cysts?

As there are different types and forms of kidney cysts, factors that influence the causes of kidney cysts also differ. In most cases, kidney cysts are not inherited, and older men are greatly affected by these cysts. The general study shows that the causes of kidney cysts are not known; however, one theory suggests that these fluid-infested pouches are formed due to the weakened surface area of the kidney.

What Are the Risk Factors for Kidney Cysts?

Simple kidney cysts are common for people over 50 years of age. The study states that most people, especially men, develop simple cysts in one of the kidneys on and after attaining this age. Moreover, survey results collected from a current healthy screening programme show that the factors that instigate the development of renal cysts are medications related to anti-hypertension. It is found that aged individuals with hypertension face renal dysfunction, which causes a renal cyst.

What Is the Diagnosis for Kidney Cysts?

The procedure of treating kidney cysts involves finding out the traces of cysts through accurate diagnosis. Kidney cysts are found when the patient visits the doctor for other ailments. There are some standard tests performed to diagnose simple kidney cysts:

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): The magnets and radio waves used in these imaging machines can check the fluid-filled cysts and presence of any solid masses. In general cases, patients suffering from iodine allergy undergo MRIs.
  • Ultrasound: The echoes and high-frequency sound waves pass through the machine to give clear images of any foreign bodies inside the organ.
  • Computed Tomography Scan (CT): To get a better view of any solid mass, this scan requires a dash of iodinated compound injected into the body.

The test results derived through these scans help physicians identify the nature of kidney cysts and perform the necessary treatment to aid from this ailment. It is found through several surveys that a simple kidney cyst with no signs and symptoms doesn’t damage kidney functionalities. Hence, in this case, treatment might not be necessary. However, in case of suffering from any symptoms, it is advisable to undergo the prescribed treatment procedure.

What Are the Recommended Treatments for Kidney Cysts?

Since it is actually unknown what causes kidney cysts, the treatment available for this has offered relief for such ailment. Here are the options available for the treatment of kidney cysts:

Laparoscopic Surgery

Surgeons use the laparoscopic method to remove cysts by inserting a needle-like instrument through small holes made in the abdomen. After the successful insertion of an instrument and a small video camera, the surgeon drains fluid from the cyst, followed by the removal of the skin/wall of those cysts.


This process involves the insertion of a long needle into the cyst to puncture and drain fluids from it. Then, the doctors inject a solid antibiotic to prevent infection and shrink sacs on completion of the previous step. In some cases, this process is repeated to obtain satisfactory results.

Surgeons prescribe and perform those same therapies for patients approaching treatment for renal cyst. Over time, these sacs might develop fluids; however, oral intake of proper and regular medication can control it to a great extent.

How to Prevent Kidney Cysts?

Since factors that influence the question "what causes kidney cysts" are untraceable, legit measures to prevent this disease can be challenging. However, the least an individual can do to keep simple cysts at bay is drink plenty of water and eat vegetables with water compounds. In addition to this, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of sodium intake to less than 2,300mg a day for people below 50 years of age. It is preferable to consume less than 1,500mg of sodium for individuals over 51 years.

With improvements in medical facilities and advancements in medications, kidney cyst treatment has become effective, reflecting curable solutions worldwide. However, doctors across the world recommend maintaining a balanced lifestyle with right consumption of nutrients to control the development of these solid masses. A less sodium-filled diet filled with vitamins and minerals works as a great shield from combating these diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are kidney cysts dangerous?

In general cases, kidney cysts are not harmful and do not cause any life-threatening problems. However, it is better to remove it, to avoid any future complications.

Do I need a special diet if I have kidney cysts?

Usually, you don’t need any special diet chart if you have kidney cysts. But, it is advisable to eat healthy foods with plenty of fibre.

How to reduce the risk of developing kidney cysts?

To remove the risk of developing kidney cysts, consume an ample amount of water and reduce sodium intake below 2,300 mg per day.