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How to Make Money Online in India: 24 Effective Ways to Earn Money in 2024

Today, a lot of people are looking for how to make money online. But, unfortunately, it is not easy to find legitimate ways to earn money online, as the internet has many fake agencies, scams, and frauds.

However, if you are careful and research the sites you sign up with, you can actually find a number of ways that you can earn money online, and for many, there is no investment involved.

24 Ways to Make Money Online in India in 2024

The following are the 24 different ways through which you can earn money online:

1. Work as an Insurance POSP

A good way to earn money online is by becoming a POSP (Point of Salesperson). This is a kind of insurance agent who works with insurance companies, and sells insurance policies. All you need for the job is a smartphone and a good internet connection, and it can be done online from home.

To qualify as an insurance POSP, you need to be over 18 years old, and graduate Class 10, then you must complete a 15-hour compulsory training offered by the IRDAI. Your income will be on a commission basis, and the more policies you sell, the more you can earn. You can find out more about the steps, requirements, and regulations for becoming a POSP agent here.

2. Look for Freelancing Work

Another popular way to earn money online is through freelance work. Those who are good at programming, editing, writing, designing, and more can look at portals like Upwork, PeoplePerHour, Kool Kanya, Fiverr, or Truelancer to find work with businesses that look for freelancers. You just need to register on one or more of these portals (usually for a small fee), and based on the work you offer, you can gradually work your way towards high-paying gigs as a freelancer.

3. Try Content Writing Jobs

If you’re good at writing, you can even look to make money online through content writing. Lots of companies these days outsource their content work. You can register yourself on websites that offer this online work, such as Internshala, Freelancer, Upwork, and Guru. There, you can set your preferences as a writer and then start to get paid work from companies to write about things like brands, food, travel, and other topics, or even just correcting existing articles.

4. Start Blogging

If you enjoy writing, but you don’t want to work as a content writer for others, you can also start your own blog. Blogging sites like WordPress, Medium, Weebly, or Blogger, offer both free and paid services. Once you know your areas of interest, like book reviews, food recipes, travel, arts and crafts, etc., you can start writing about it.

Once your site begins to get some visitors, you can earn money through ads. Depending on the traffic to your site and your readership, you can earn up to ₹2,000-15,000 a month for your ad space.

5. Sell Your Digital Products

On your blog or website, you can even sell digital products of things you have covered, like recipes, or instructions for crafts. This includes audio or video courses, e-books, design templates, plug-ins, PDFs, printables, or UX kits.

You can also distribute and sell these kinds of downloadable or streamable media through sites such as Amazon, Udemy, SkillShare, or Coursera. Since you only need to make your product one time, and you can sell it as many times as you want, you can have high profit margins for a well-made and unique product.

6. Look For Translation Jobs Online

If you are someone who knows multiple languages, you can also earn money online as a translator. In this global age, there is quite a demand for people to translate everything from documents to voice mails, papers, subtitles and much more. You can find such work with specialized translation agencies or through freelancing portals such as Freelance India, Upwork, or Truelancer.

Your income will be based on the number of languages you know, and while you can earn sufficient money through Indian languages alone, you can always earn more if you know a foreign language (like French, Russian, Spanish, or Japanese) and have a certificate for the same. Generally, you will be paid per word, and you can make from ₹1 to ₹4 per word based on the language.

7. Beta Test Apps and Websites Before They are Released

Since almost everyone has a smartphone or a computer these days, one of the easiest ways to earn money online is by testing out apps and websites. As companies and app developers don’t want users to get confused by their new products, they hire users to do what is called ‘Beta Testing’. Sites like BetaTesting, Tester Work,, or TryMyUI offer such jobs. 

You just need to test out these sites or apps and then report your user experience, or identify any bugs before they go live to the public. Depending on the product that is being beta tested, and your experience with the process, you can earn from ₹1000 to ₹3000 each time.

8. Work as a Travel Agent

One underrated and easy job you can do online is to find work as a travel agent or a travel planner. While making travel bookings can be done online nowadays, it can be quite a hassle for those who are busy with work or unfamiliar with the internet. Thus, many people look for travel agents to help them through the process.

You can either work with sites like Upwork, AvantStay, or Hopper, or just work as a self-employed travel agent. In both cases, your earnings will depend upon your clients, as well as the company you work for.

9. Find Data Entry Jobs

Another option to make money from home is through data entry jobs. These kinds of jobs can be done online with just a computer, knowledge of Excel and other Microsoft tools. You just need to register on a trusted site like Axion Data Entry Services, Data Plus, Freelancer, or Guru. Then you can start accepting data entry jobs from companies worldwide. They will send you an email or a link to the data source, and instructions about what to do. With these jobs, you can earn ₹300 to ₹1,500 per hour (be sure to check their legitimacy before transferring your details).

10. Opt for Online Tutoring

If you have a lot of knowledge about a given subject, or you are currently a college student, one good option to earn money online might be to offer online tutoring lessons. Students at every level are looking for lessons in everything from English, math, science, history, and even help with competitive exams. And based on which subjects you teach, you can set an hourly rate based on your expertise and you can earn up to ₹200–500 per hour.  

You can choose to sign up with an online tutoring platform like Udemy, or Coursera, or you can also reach out and look for people in your social circles who need tutoring classes.

11. Invest in Stocks

A lot of people are wary of investing in the stock market, but it can be a great way to make money online. When you invest in stocks, you are just buying shares of a company, and when those company shares increase in value, you will get paid “dividends” by the company.

While stocks can indeed be risky (as when companies aren’t doing well, the value of your shares may reduce), but you can reduce this risk by diversifying your portfolio. With a number of profitable shares, you can earn high dividends just by working online.

12. See if Affiliate Marketing Works for You

Another good way to earn money online is through affiliate marketing. While this method would work best if you have a large social media following a website, blog, or a large mailing list, it can be a great way to make money online with no investment.

With affiliate marketing, you become an affiliate to a brand or company like Amazon, and you promote their products to your followers or readers including a link on your site. Then, you will be able to earn money on a commission basis. Thus, the more people who buy the brand’s products using your link, the more you will earn.

The past few years have disrupted many of our regular lives, but as you can see that there are a lot of ways that you can turn your hobbies and interests into ways to earn money online.

There are lots of options for anyone looking for how to earn money from online jobs. You can easily find something that suits your interests and areas of knowledge and turn your free time into a way to make money on the side. These are perfect for students, homemakers, retirees, and even those who already have a job, to earn money online.

Just remember to be on the look out for fraudulent websites and companies.

  • You can research any site thoroughly and read their reviews and comments before you register.
  • If a website offers long work hours, but won’t pay you much as compensation, try to avoid it.
  • When sharing your personal details online, always be careful.
  • And, always remember to read any contract offered to you before signing.

13. Work as a Virtual Assistant

If you are good at helping with tasks like setting up meetings, managing websites, or contacting clients, you could work online as a virtual assistant (VA). VAs work from wherever they are, supporting entrepreneurs and small teams. As the VA, you might organise meetings, handle orders, or create documents like PowerPoint presentations. 

You can begin searching for clients by using platforms such as Belay, Upwork, and Zirtual. Depending on your skills, you might need some training. However, you could earn between ₹100 to ₹250 per hour when you start. With experience, you could make up to ₹7,000 an hour. It is a flexible and potentially lucrative way to work online.


14. Create YouTube Videos

If you are comfortable in front of the camera or enjoy making videos, YouTube might be perfect. Choose a topic you are passionate about, like cooking or politics. You do not need any fancy equipment. Just a smartphone works fine. 

Start by creating a YouTube channel similar to a blog. As your channel grows and gets more subscribers, you can earn money. You can make money through sponsorships and covering events. You can earn around ₹53.46 per 1000 views by making YouTube videos.

15. As a Web Developer

If you are skilled at coding and designing websites, you can work from home as a web developer. Even if you are new to this field, there are plenty of online tutorials to help you learn. Companies often hire freelance web developers, so there are many opportunities available. 

However, it is a competitive field, so you need to find your speciality, build a good reputation, and set reasonable prices to succeed. Freelancer, Upwork, and Fiverr are some websites where you can find clients. Depending on the client and the job, you can earn anywhere from ₹20,000 to  ₹1 lakh for a single project.

16. Start Investing

Currently, there is a high demand for investing. You might want to explore options like real estate, cryptocurrency, or the stock market. Many people think they need a lot of money to invest in stocks, but that is not true. You can start with no minimum balance at Groww, Zerodha, and AngelOne.

There are many brokerage platforms available. You can check out YouTube channels that explain their differences to find the best fit for you. Be cautious when investing in stocks. It is hard to predict the market, so be wary of anyone promising guaranteed returns. 

17. By Selling Used Items

Selling items you no longer need is an intelligent way to earn online and tidy up your space. With sustainability gaining importance, selling second-hand goods is even more promising. Popular items to sell include clothes, furniture, electronics, etc. 

Start by listing the items you want to sell and take clear photos from different angles. Post them online on eBay, Meesho, Instagram or Facebook Marketplace to reach potential buyers. Do not forget to include accurate descriptions and fair prices to attract more customers.

18. Printing on Demand

You can design your products and sell them through print-on-demand (POD). This means you add your designs to items like t-shirts and mugs, which are printed and shipped by a printing company whenever someone orders. You do not need to keep stock. 

Setting up your store and selecting products is easy on POD websites. You can design using Canva or hire someone on Fiverr or Upwork. To make money, you buy your custom product for one price, say ₹150, sell it for more than ₹300, and keep the profit.

19. Start Dropshipping

You can sell products online without keeping stock through dropshipping. With a dropshipping app, customers buy from your store, and your supplier ships directly. You make money by charging more than your supplier and keeping the profit. 

Before you start, research your product and wholesaler carefully. Compare prices to set competitive rates. Be cautious of fraud issues in drop shipping. Shopify and IndiaMART are regarded as one of the initial dropshipping platforms in India.

20. Play Games Online

Nowadays, you can make money by playing computer games, so you would not get in trouble for it anymore. Game developers want people to try out their games and give feedback, so they will pay you for playing. 

Websites like Swagbucks help you make money this way. You will get paid through PayPal, checks, or gift cards. While the payments might initially be small, they can accumulate over time.

21. Start Your Own Podcast

Podcasts are really popular now. People love listening to them because they can do it anywhere, like in the car or while cooking. Think about what you know well. You could start a podcast about it. For instance, if you know about starting a business, you could talk about that, or if you are into cooking, you could discuss different recipes. 

You can also ask your listeners what they want to hear about next. PodBean, Spotify for Podcasters, and Buzzsprout are some platforms where you can create podcasts for free and earn money.

22. Initiate a Side Hustle

Many people nowadays have a side hustle or gig alongside their full-time job. Side-hustle apps like DoorDash or Uber help many earn extra money. You have other options if you prefer not to deliver food or lack a car or the necessary car insurance for Uber. 

Apps like TaskRabbit or Handy allow you to find odd jobs in your neighbourhood. For those who prefer an active side hustle, the Rover app offers opportunities to find dog-walking clients.

23. Start Writing an Ebook

If you have been holding onto a book idea for a while, why not consider self-publishing and selling an ebook online? The possibilities are endless, whether it is about finance, self-help, cooking, or fiction. If you are knowledgeable about a topic and want to share your expertise, writing an ebook is an excellent way to do so. 

Several online ebook publishers, like Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, and Rakuten Kobo, are available. Writing a book requires effort upfront, but once you publish it, your ebook has the potential for passive income.

24. Try Voice-over Acting

If you have a unique or captivating voice, have you considered trying voice-over work? Successful voice-over actors often have acting experience, but it is not mandatory. They can voice different characters or accents and find work narrating ebooks, online videos, or ads. 

To start, you will need a professional portfolio to show potential clients. Voice-over acting also requires some initial microphone, headphones, and voice recording investment. You can try voice-over acting on platforms like Envato, Bunny Studio, Filmless, and Voice Crafters

Things to Keep in Mind When Looking for Jobs to Make Money Online

Here are some essential points you must keep in mind before looking for the above-mentioned jobs:

  • Be Cautious of Scams: Before diving into any online money-making opportunity, ensure it's legitimate by conducting thorough research and reading reviews.

  • Consider Effort: Evaluate the time and effort required for each venture and ensure you have the necessary skills and experience.

  • Invest in Skills: Learn and develop new skills through online courses and resources to enhance competitiveness and earning potential.

  • Follow Your Passions: Opt for avenues that align with your interests to boost your chances of success and satisfaction.

  • Choose Reliable Platforms: Select reputable online platforms with positive reviews and transparent payment policies.

  • Diversify Income Sources: Explore various options like freelancing, selling products, affiliate marketing, or online tutoring to increase stability and earnings.

  • Network and Collaborate: Engage with professionals in your field through online communities and social media to expand your connections and discover collaborative opportunities.


There are many options for anyone looking to earn money from online jobs. You can easily find something that suits your interests and areas of knowledge and turn your free time into a way to make money. These are perfect for students, homemakers, retirees, and even those with a job to earn money online.

FAQs on How to Make Money Online in India

How to earn ₹200 a day online?

You can earn ₹200 a day online by offering your skills and services as a freelancer on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr. Depending on your expertise in different fields like writing, programming, designing, or digital marketing, you can take on freelancing projects to earn money.

Can I make ₹1000 a day?

Yes, you can earn ₹1000 a day by writing content, freelancing, performing data entry, and online tutoring.

Is Swagbucks Legitimate?

Yes, Swagbucks is a legitimate platform that provides real rewards through cash or gift cards. Users can earn points, called SB, by completing tasks like taking surveys or watching videos. These SBs can be exchanged for cash through PayPal or gift cards from various retailers.

How can I earn from Instagram?

To make money on Instagram, you can:

  • Start your own online store.

  • Partner with brands for sponsored posts.

  • Create merchandise for your brand.

  • Become an affiliate marketer.

  • Sell your artwork or photos.

  • Receive Live badges from followers.

  • Sell secondhand items.

  • Offer paid subscriptions for exclusive content.

How can beginners make money online?

Beginners have various options to make money online. You can sell secondhand items locally, complete surveys, tutor online, join affiliate programs or sell print-on-demand products to earn extra income in your spare time.

What are some ways to make ₹500 online in a day?

You can make ₹500 online by performing online surveys, freelancing, blogging, affiliate marketing, and selling online courses.

How can I quickly earn money online in India?

You can earn money online in India by doing various jobs like working as an insurance POSP, finding freelancing work, doing content writing, starting a blog, selling digital products, doing translation jobs, working as a travel agent and beta testing apps and websites.

Is it possible to make ₹5000 in a day?

Yes, you can make ₹5000 daily through stock market trading. It might seem challenging, but it is entirely achievable with the correct approach and strategies, particularly in intraday investing.

What are some simple ways to make money using your phone?

You can become a social media manager, sell your unwanted items on Amazon, create how-to videos to monetise your knowledge, sell pre-owned items, offer handmade goods for sale, do freelance writing, participate in paid surveys, work as a virtual assistant, do video editing, create content, become a translator, and more.    

Is it possible to earn money by typing online?

Yes, you can monetise your typing skills. Many online platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, Guru, PeoplePerHour, and Flexjobs link people who are good at typing with businesses and clients who need typing services. This is a chance to demonstrate your skills and get paid for your expertise.